210 private links
Une série de billets de blog sur le passage d'Échirolles aux logiciels libres.
Une liste non-exhaustive des logiciels utilisés est disponible à https:https://grenoble.ninja/echirolles-liberee-iii-solutions/
Des idées pour l'inclusion numérique à https://grenoble.ninja/echirolles-liberee-iii-solutions/ :
- une association reconditionne le matériel usagé, qui tourne sur Zorin OS
- hébergement tout compris pour les associations, avec installation d'un CMS
- une négociation avec les FAI pour fournir un accès Internet
jusqu'au début de la fédération https://grenoble.ninja/echirolles-liberee-v-federation/
Buy the fonts. Whenthe budget is reached, the font is released under an open format with its source code.
1.8 millions de personnes par mois sur les services de Framasoft.
La nouvelle récapitule les statistiques des différents services Framdate, Framapad, Framalistes et Framagroupes, Framaforms, Framacalc, Framateams, Framagit, Framacarte, Framatalk, Framindmap,Framavox, Framagenda, Framaspace, PeerTube, Mobilizon, Framadrive, Framapiaf,
Les illustrations sont toujours excellentes
l'alliance veut surtout étendre les obligations de blocages à un maximum d'entités, à savoir “tous les intermédiaires dont les services sont utilisés pour enfreindre les droits de propriété intellectuelle, y compris (mais sans s'y limiter) les fournisseurs de solution de paiement, les sociétés de publicité, les moteurs de recherche, les navigateurs Internet, les fournisseurs de VPN (Virtual Private Network), les gestionnaires de DNS alternatifs et les registraires de nom de domaine“.
We simply have to recognize 3 things:
- First, if we do not continue to work to change the Internet, we really will have only two choices: the corporate salad or nothing.
- Second, the control of the Internet is ultimately in our hands, [... corporations] do not have the power to lock down the Internet to prevent us from going wherever we like, unless we believe their lie that our only two options are to eat their salad or leave.
- Third, each of us must banish the idea from his mind that he has failed if he creates a website and millions of people don't flock to it. That is corporate thinking, and it has no place on the small web.
Ideally, a personal website should be thought of as a gift to all Internet users.
Corporate search engines will almost never take you to a personal website unless you are either very lucky or you already know it exists. If you already know a website exists, you don't need a search engine to find it. This means only those who are motivated and know how to look will find what they are looking for on the small Internet.
It has a links to specific search engines.
For those who are not technically inclined, sites like these make starting your first blog easy: Bear Blog (free), Nekoweb (free), Mataroa (free or $9/yr for premium), and Write.as ($6/month).
isometric icons under CC BY 4.0.
Thanks to the author!
Quoting directly from the GPL: The “source code” for a work means the preferred form of the work for making modifications to it.
If a project is so difficult to build, package or redistribute that the only practical way is to use docker then this is hardly #FOSS
En phase de test.
Lien du projet Github https://github.com/Stirling-Tools/Stirling-PDF
Autonomiser tous les monde, que les avantages soient pour tous le monde
A fork of SimpleMobileTools to keep these applications free
L'association propose différents outils