210 private links
Awesome! Since 2012 is the goal of Open Food Facts to gather data about... food
It is possible to contribute to it: https://world.openfoodfacts.org/development
Also there is work to do about #accessibilité
Another ode to the web
Ce qu'ils créent est génial ! Un don est bien efficace.
C'est par là pour débloquer officiellement les fonds d'écran https://framasoft.org/fr/#support
- Universality
- Open Standards
- Open Web Platform (OWP)
- Open Government through Open Data
- Openness with personal data on the Social Net
- Open Platform
- Open Source
- Open Access
- Open Internet and Net Neutrality
Too many websites could generate nice reports as documents, but had no way to access the data behind it to check and build on the results.
The overwhelming motivation behind it seemed to be “I made something, here it is”. Sharing things for the sake of showing them to the world. Somebody had created something, then put it online so you could see it. Visit their website (wait for the dial-up to finish), and it’s yours.
Large companies find HTML & CSS frustrating “at scale” because the web is a fundamentally anti-capitalist mashup art experiment, designed to give consumers all the power. — Mia, with valuable secrets 🤫 (@TerribleMia) November 24, 2019
You can stand out of the crowd by simply treating the web platform as what it is: a way to deliver content to people.
The best growth hack is still to build something people enjoy, and then attach no strings to it. You’d be surprised how far that can get you.
Un état des lieux des différentes alternatives libres soutenues par Framasoft depuis des années.
Those two nonfree programs have something else in common: they are both malware. That is, both have functionalities designed to mistreat the user.
If you use a program to carry out activities in your life, your freedom depends on your having control over the program.
Nonfree software was the first way for companies to take control of people's computing. Nowadays, there is another way, called Service as a Software Substitute, or SaaSS. That means letting someone else's server do your own computing tasks.
In some cases, nonfree software causes indirect harm (secondary injustice): it puts pressure directly on others to use this software (Teams, Skype, Zoom, ...), it encourages to develop the non-free software further. All the forms of indirect harm are magnified when the user is a public entity or a school.
Public agencies exist for the people, not for themselves. When they do computing, they do it for the people. They have a duty to maintain full control over that computing so that they can assure it is done properly for the people.
The mp3 format is now free of patents.
Based on XMPP.
Snikket lets you run your own service, that you control, on the system of your choice.
The Snikket server lets you create and manage user accounts, and acts as a central safe place to manage your data.
RMS was right since the very beginning. Every warning, every prophecy realised. And, worst of all, he had the solution since the start.
The solution has always been there: copyleft. Copyleft as in "Forbidding privatizing the commons". Here's why:
He also foresaw that if we were not the master of our software, we would quickly become the slave of the machines controlled by soulless corporations. He told us that story again and again.
RMS quickly pointed, rightly, that the lack of "freedom" means that people will forget about the concept. Again, he was right. But everybody considered that "Free Software" and "Open Source" were the same because they both focused on the four freedoms.
Pushing GPL and AGPL was not enough, because
all this work was ridiculed. Microsoft, through Github, Google and Apple pushed for MIT/BSD licensed software as the open source standard. This allowed them to use open source components within their proprietary closed products. They managed to make thousands of free software developers work freely for them.
We need more commons, because:
- young student are taught computer with Word and PowerPoint
- young hackers are mostly happy with rooting Android phones or using the API of a trendy JS framework.
- When an industry receives millions in public subsidies then make a patent, that industry is privatising the common.
- When Google is putting the Linux kernel in a phone that cannot be modified easily, Google is privatising the common.
Fighting back?
Well, the first little step I can do myself is to release every future software I develop under the AGPL license. To put my blog under a CC By-SA license. I encourage you to copyleft all the things!
Add a fifth rule to the free software: The obligation to keep those four rights, effectively keeping the software in the commons.
A documentation about FLOSS
Il y a donc une instance mis à disposition pour les membres de l'éducation nationale, afin que les projets puissent être utilisé et partagé.
La Contre-Voie est une association reconnue d’intérêt général qui défend l’éthique dans le numérique, à travers des activités de sensibilisation et l’hébergement de services numériques libres.
Elle était représenté à #PSES
Les conseils:
- commencer par déployer une instance Nextcloud
- basculer après les fichiers, la gestion des contacts, la gestion des calendriers et promouvoir les autres outils disponibles.
- trouver un fournisseur mail alternatif
- enfin faire basculer sur du Linux, en recyclant du matériel "obsolète". Montrer aux autres qu’il s’agit de systèmes non intrusifs, simple, rapides et qui disposent d’une logithèque de solutions libres et éthiques incommensurable !
Ode for free software workers that leverage these awesome tools :D
another group in Minnesota :)
They published their manifesto in order to understand what they stand for.