212 private links
A collection of shaders :)
Buy the fonts. Whenthe budget is reached, the font is released under an open format with its source code.
A curated list of articles or blog posts
The post is full of links related to the ecosystem
Une liste de projets utilisant Publicodes comme langage de programmation. Les paquets peuvent ensuite exportés en module JS comme @incubateur-ademe/nosgestesclimat.
Une liste de 1700 ebooks disponible au téléchargement (1.7GB). Le site annonce fermer fin 2025.
The intention of this page is to collect and highlight malware written in the Rust programming language, so that malware reverse engineers have a collection of Rust samples to practice reversing on.
french ebooks
Avec le site parodique Est-ce que la CNIL s’est bougée aujourd’hui ?
Livres numériques gratuits et libres de droits
A list of web browsers. The most exhaustive I've found so far.
(via https://nicolas-delsaux.hd.free.fr/Shaarli/shaare/yzmd3Q)
With the internet being ever present and screens surrounding us all the time, personal preference is becoming more and more critical for a good user experience. Particularly when it comes to dark mode in order not to burn out the readers sight at night.
The Darktheme Club is a collection of web pages from across the Internet. To qualify, your website must either use a dark theme by default, or respect the preference of the user, preferably through the prefers-color-scheme media query.