Monthly Shaarli

All links of one month in a single page.

October, 2024

:neocat: Oror :flag_nonbinary:: "Oh that's why it's so slow" - Eldritch Café
The Most Important Sentence

I've noticed that people who can fill in this sentence are much happier than those who can't

For anyone struggling career or purpose-wise, I have a diagnostic for you. Fill this sentence

I believe one of the biggest problems in the world is ___, which is why I'm building/creating/doing ____.

In order to solve the lack of meaning to life, "find a way to write this sentence for yourself."

I think it is a great summary and direct action 😃

Smarter than 'Ctrl+F': Linking Directly to Web Page Content

Browser support is increasing

Inoxtag et l’Everest : le “dépassement de soi” est-il de droite ? - Frustration Magazine
Données personnelles : LinkedIn condamné à une amende de 310 millions d’euros pour ses publicités ciblées dans l’UE
ZATAZ » Fuite de données pour FREE mobile et FreeBox ?

La fuite est encore incertaine, mais peut être réelle.

Niche fiscale sur les voitures de fonction : « L’État perd 4 milliards d’euros »

Car la taxation suppose que les gens utilise leur voiture de fonction en grande majorité pour des trajets professionnels, or une étude montre qu'il s'agit de 65% d'utilisation privés.

An experiment in fighting spam on public forms using “proof of work” – Gonçalo Valério

Adding a proof-of-work algorithm can work with this experience.

I guess that the main lesson was that these particular spammers, are really low-effort creatures. You raise the bar a little, and they stop being effective.

Carbon | Create and share beautiful images of your source code
Bootstrap Admin & Dashboard Template · CoreUI
toddle - The open-source front-end editor

Create interfaces visually

Hono - Web framework built on Web Standards
git-statistics - Rust Package Registry

Improve it to be project based:

  • Evolution of the lines of code over time
  • how much of language parts in the code base over time



🏳️‍⚧️ Meuf trans 💻 Développeuse web 📚 Passe son temps libre à lire des romans. 👂💍 Peut parler des heures de piercings et tatouages 💪 Active dans le milieu queer

Adactio: Journal—Archives

Adactio or Alex Chan in using static websites for tiny archives both are

going low-scale, low-tech. There’s no web server, no build system, no dependencies, and no JavaScript frameworks.

Because this system has no moving parts, and it’s just files on a disk, I hope it will last a long time.

#idea #project archive everything as static website.

Using static websites for tiny archives – alexwlchan

Paperwork, documents created, screenshots taken, bookmarked web pages, video and audio files.

Each gets a website.

These websites aren’t complicated – they’re just meant to be a slightly nicer way of browsing files than I get in the macOS Finder.

Each collection is a folder on my local disk, and the website is one or more HTML files in the root of that folder. To use the website, I open the HTML files in my web browser.

I’m deliberately going low-scale, low-tech. There’s no web server, no build system, no dependencies, and no JavaScript frameworks. I’m writing everything by hand, which is very manageable for small projects. Each website is a few hundred lines of code at most.

These are created and curated by hand.

I think this could be a powerful idea for digital preservation, as a way to describe born-digital archives.

GitHub - warpy-ai/rustubble: Beautifull components for your terminal.
Blocking code is a leaky abstraction – notgull – The world's number one source of notgull
Pluralistic: You should be using an RSS reader (16 Oct 2024) – Pluralistic: Daily links from Cory Doctorow

RSS is a way to avoid enshittification

Bit shifting to increase performance - DEV Community

Similar to

Bit operators are the fastest, then static array, then dynamic arrays.

Objects are heavy in comparison.

Sensible SQLite defaults - DEV Community
PRAGMA journal_mode = WAL;
PRAGMA synchronous = NORMAL;
PRAGMA busy_timeout = 5000;
PRAGMA cache_size = -20000;
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON;
PRAGMA temp_store = MEMORY;
PRAGMA mmap_size = 2147483648;
PRAGMA page_size = 8192;
Why Rust is taking the data engineering world by storm

All the most-impactful projects in the data engineering world are now written in Rust. More than the classics fast, safe and high-level language and C interop. The author provides highlight on:

The TL;DR is that most organizations don't even have that much [big] data, a few hundreds GB to single-digit TB for the 98%

One server is enough. [The industry] is instead focusing on simpler solutions.

Rust provides reusability! "For example, Arroyo, Ballista, delta-rs, InfluxDB and many more all use the Apache DataFusion query engine."

This is a massive piece of engineering that they don't have to re-invent themselves and can instead benefit from a software package built and continuously improved by many organizations that have a vested and shared interest in making it great.

Accueil [Wiki CgX]

Un wiki personnel avec des sujets variés:

  • IT: Linux, Android, Hardware, Auto-hébergement, Logiciels
  • Cuisine
  • Code and programming
  • Texte et littérature
  • Administratif, Consommation, Internet
  • Musiques
  • Jeux
  • Traditions et patrimoine


Announcing Rust 1.82.0 | Rust Blog
  • a new cargo info subcommand
  • macOS on 64-bit ARM is now Tier 1
  • mac Catalyst targets are now Tier 2
  • precise capturing use<..> syntax
  • native syntax for creating a raw pointer
  • Safe items with unsafe extern: make code safe inside unsafe

and more low-level stuffs

Note: Dé... - Shaarli ¦ Orangina Rouge

-* Faire, défaire

  • Nouer, dénouer
  • Jouer, déjouer
  • Penser, dépenser...
Making an Algorithm Faster - YouTube

Hashsets < Dynamic Array < Statis Array < Bit Mask

Design numérique - DesignGouv
Test Ad Block - Toolz

Test how the ad blocking is efficient while navigating to the page

Bobologie aux urgences (1/3) | Grise Bouille
Vélo et machine à écrire, petite eulogie de la satiété

« Et si nous en avions assez ? » Est-ce que matériellement, nous serions pas en situation de satiété ?

Rachel_CxY : « Une de mes takes préférées, ... » - Piaille
  • Les gens n'ont plus le goût du travail, il faut réinstaurer la valeur travail !

  • Absolument, je suis bien d'accord !

  • Le travail c'est la vie !

  • Tout à fait d'accord, quelle lucidité

  • Heu, les gens doivent travailler, non à l'assistanat

  • Mais tout à fait, et je suis contente que vous me rejoigniez sur le sujet. Taxer à 100% les revenus du capital pour que les gens n'aient que les revenus de leur travail est essentiel pour réinstaurer la valeur travail.

  • Heu non pas comme ça attendez

  • Les steaks végétaux, l'appellation est trompeuse !

  • Je suis bien d'accord

  • C'est absolument scandaleux, nous voulons être sûrs de manger des animaux

  • Vous avez tout à fait raison

  • Les gens peuvent par accident manger des plantes au lieu d'un animal

  • Tout à fait, il est essentiel de collectivement profiter de la stupidité des consommateurs carnistes afin qu'ils ingurgitent autre chose que des cadavres. Ils survivront et évolueront. Une alimentation végétalisée est nécessaire pour lutter contre le réchauffement climatique

  • Mais je ...

  • Ah et il faut absolument renommer l'eau de javel avant qu'il n'y ait un accident, ils sont tellement cons

The Static Site Paradox | Loris Cro's Blog

Two types of blogs:

  1. Complex CMS
  2. Collection of static HTML files with one or two CSS files

The first one is used by everyone and only the second is used by software engineers. It should be the other way around.

I invite you all to help make the web more accessible, partially as a matter of taking pride in our craft, and partially because the web used to be more interesting when more of it was made by people different from us.

Exit this page – GOV.UK Design System

Give users a way to quickly and safely exit a service, website or application.

An example of safety content page that describes how the user can be safe online: Ways to stay safe online.

An example on domestic abuse report but notice they use the Escape key.

Let's call it the EtP pattern.
(via the blog post

Robert Kingett, blind : « Open source: you all should use open source and p… » - TweeseCake

Open source: you all should use open source and private services because we’re not a corporation out to exploit you or your data.

Disabled users: hey, your registration edit field is not labeled so I can’t use my adaptive technology to register or even use your platform. Could you fix it, because, right now, the mainstream/corporate offering has taken accessibility more seriously and I’d rather use a tool/service that I won’t need to struggle with in order to operate.

Open source: what exactly do you expect? We can’t be expected to make things accessible for you, so you can either fork it yourself or just not use our software/services. We’re a small team and corporation has more money than we do so they can devote more time and effort to accessibility. You can always fork the project though and make accessibility yourself!

Disabled user: well, I can’t code, so it looks like I don’t have any other choice but to go back to using this corporate offering that at least took the time to label their registration field correctly and actually took my request more seriously. Oh well, maybe open source tools just aren’t for me.

Grumpy Website

You don't need to tell in the UI that X feature is amazing. People will see it.
You can however hint on the feature: you can do X.

Loading Post | Alicia Sykes's Blog

There's a lot of helpful CLI tools, which can make your life in the command line easier, faster and generally more fun.

This post outlines my top 50 must-have CLI tools

Can be found in the list:
TheFuck, zoxide, tldr, scc, exa, duf, aria2, bat, diff-so-fancy, entr, exiftool, fdupes, fzf, hyperfine, just, jq, most, procs, rip, ripgrep, rsync, sd, tre, xsel, bandwhich, ctop, bpytop, glances, gping, dua-cli, speedtest-cli, dog

CLI productivity apps: browsh, buku, cmus, cointop, ddgr, khal, mutt, newsboat, rcole, taskwarrior, tuir.

Dev suits: httpie, lazydocker, lazygit, kdash, gdp-dashboard, ngrok, tmate, asciinema, navi,, surge,

Fun: cowsay, figlet, lolcat, neofetch

Security Vulnerability fixed in Firefox 131.0.2, Firefox ESR 128.3.1, Firefox ESR 115.16.1 — Mozilla
No Feedback ∴ No Good

Beyond the basics, how did you know if you were doing a good job?

I didn’t. I’m not sure how I would.

When the feedback paths are missing, success is measured through peer opinion, i.e. the practitioners that have a good reputation among their peers are considered skilled, regardless of what their real world impact is.

Ryman Eco

It is supposed to use less ink

GitHub - TheAlgorithms/Rust: All Algorithms implemented in Rust

There is also a dedicated section for JS

Brutalist Manifesto -
  1. Simplicity is essential
  2. Solve problems instead of creating them
  3. We are not smarter than others, others are usually not smarter
  4. Do everything yourself
  5. Strive for robustness
  6. Do not think you can make computing "secure"
  7. Use input devices when they make the most sense
  8. Avoid all ornaments
  9. Tools are just tools
  10. Be humble
  11. Don't work for free if you do not enjoy it
  12. Do not listen to others
L'Europe pourrait demander à Chrome ou Firefox de bloquer les sites pirates, la lutte montre d'un cran


l'alliance veut surtout étendre les obligations de blocages à un maximum d'entités, à savoir “tous les intermédiaires dont les services sont utilisés pour enfreindre les droits de propriété intellectuelle, y compris (mais sans s'y limiter) les fournisseurs de solution de paiement, les sociétés de publicité, les moteurs de recherche, les navigateurs Internet, les fournisseurs de VPN (Virtual Private Network), les gestionnaires de DNS alternatifs et les registraires de nom de domaine“.

Insta Snapshots
It's time to rethink how we use virtualization in backends

With containers, virtualized processes run natively in the host kernel, like any other. Except that their I/Os are carefully kept segregated from others in the host system.

Thought: containers are often too heavy for the job.

The root cause behind the heavy weight of containers is that they have been built for too many usecases.

WASI is a standard API to give WASM code the ability to do system-level I/O.


To try to address this, we wanted to move all these heavy dependencies to a common runtime across services. So your tokio, hyper, sqlx and co (in the case of Rust), now all belong to a long-lived containerized process running persistently in the cloud. Whereas all your service logic, database and endpoint code build into lightweight WASM modules that are dynamically loaded in-place by this global persistent process.

rust-magic-patterns/axum-style-magic-function-param/ at master · alexpusch/rust-magic-patterns
the rust project has a burnout problem
Liste d'outils gratuits en ligne pour tester ses emails
Rust needs a web framework for lazy developers | nicole@web

Are we web yet? Well yes but with extra work. A lot of work.

The author provides its experience.

All the things I love about Django, could we have those for a Rust web framework so that we can reap the benefits of Rust without having to go needlessly slowly?

An attempt:

L’assurance chômage n'est pas « généreuse » : on s'en doutait, désormais on le sait | Alternatives Economiques

Les différents liens de l'article sont plus importants pour former son propre point de vue.


Les veilles du marché de support logiciel libre - Le blog de Genma
PeaZip free archiver utility, open extract RAR TAR ZIP files
  • cli and UI
  • two factor authentication, authenticated encryption and ... file encryption
  • multiple file management feature
  • open source
  • cross platform
  • export tasks from the GUI as CLI scripts
An HTML Email Template with Basic Typography and Dark/Light Modes – Frontend Masters Boost
Request-reply in Postgres

A nice piece of technology that is developed here

Signal >> Blog >> Quantum Resistance and the Signal Protocol

Using both encryption algorithm: one as usual and another quantum resistant.


La santé en tête des préoccupations des Français, devant le pouvoir d'achat, selon un sondage

Les trois sujets qui préoccupent le plus les francais:

40% des Français sélectionnent "leur santé et celle de leurs proches".
S'ensuivent le pouvoir d'achat (34%, -6 points), la situation économique et financière du pays (28%, +5 points), et la situation politique française (24%, non mesurée l'an dernier). L'immigration arrive sixième (18%, constant)

L'immigration est 6è malgré que ce sujet soit ramené par les médias en permanence.

Les hommes parmi les 5% les plus aisés vivent 13 ans de plus que les 5% des hommes les plus pauvres, un écart réduit à 8 ans chez les femmes.

The blockquote element: HeydonWorks
  <p>The truth may be puzzling. It may take some work to grapple with.
  It may be counterintuitive. It may contradict deeply held
  prejudices. It may not be consonant with what we desperately want to
  be true. But our preferences do not determine what's true. We have a
  method, and that method helps us to reach not absolute truth, only
  asymptotic approaches to the truth — never there, just closer
  and closer, always finding vast new oceans of undiscovered
  possibilities. Cleverly designed experiments are the key.</p>
 <figcaption>Carl Sagan, in "<cite>Wonder and Skepticism</cite>", from
 the <cite>Skeptical Inquirer</cite> Volume 19, Issue 1 (January-February

For pull quotes, use an <aside> instead.

Severe flaws in E2EE cloud storage platforms used by millions


Each company reacts differently.


Daily blogging topics

When should I use String vs &str?

A response in four steps to get started.

Website seasons | James' Coffee Blog

How should a website change with the seasons? Could a website be different as time passes? Could a website adapt to night time so that readers have an easier experience perusing information?

  • Different category leads to different themes
  • Emojis change with the seasons
  • How can I make my website evoke feelings associated with a season?
Dgar : « How to write good.1. Avoid alliteration. Always.… » - Aus.Social
  1. Avoid alliteration. Always.
  2. Prepositions are not words to end sentences with.
  3. Avoid clichés like the plague. (They're old hat.)
  4. Eschew ampersands & abbreviations, etc.
  5. One should never generalize.
  6. Comparisons are as bad as clichés.
  7. Be more or less specific.
  8. Sentence fragments? Eliminate.
  9. Exaggeration is a billion times worse than understatement.
  10. Parenthetical remarks (however relevant) are unnecessary.
  11. Who needs rhetorical questions?
Schema changes and the Postgres lock queue
Never Missing the Train Again, Thanks to Rust - lily's thots

Display train/bus stops on a Kindle 😄

The author goes really in-depth 👍

CSS { In Real Life } | I’ve Been Doing Blockquotes Wrong



content “must be quoted from another source”

Heydon rightly makes the distinction between block quotes, which (supposedly) quote another source, and pull-quotes, which highlight excerpts from the article you’re reading.

  1. No <cite> in <blockquote>

Heydon suggests using a <figure> and <figcaption> to invoke this grouping, which seems the most sensible option.

The <blockquote> cite attribute is generally useless since it’s invisible and most screen readers also ignore it

  1. For inline (or “text-level”) quotations, there is <q> instead.

  2. HTML is hard

But the developers have no consequences on that.

CSS min() All The Things — Smashing Magazine

TL;DR use fluid typography and now uses fluid sizes :)

75x faster: optimizing the Ion compiler backend | SpiderMonkey JavaScript/WebAssembly Engine

A incredible performance optimisation for WebAssembly in Firefox!


For example, the compilation time of the WebAssembly module used by Adobe Photoshop online was reduced from 4 minutes to just 14 seconds. Similarly, a test module for the JetStream 2 benchmark saw its compilation time reduced from 2.8 seconds to 0.2 seconds.

Supercharge the One Person Framework with SQLite | Fractaled Mind

SQLite simplifies the overall architecture. That's why you would pick it with Rails.

This is because Rails, with 2 decades of battle-tested solutions extracted from production applications, provides unparalleled conceptual compression, while SQLite, with its single file database and embedded executable, provides truly unique operational compression.

Le quishing - L'escroquerie au QR Code qui pourrait vous coûter cher | Cybersécurité | Le site de Korben

L’hameçonnage par QR code est référencé par

Cela s'est passé en Irlande et va donc arriver en France.

Metric prefix - Wikipedia

The table makes things easier to learn.

We see a change of units after 1795: the order of magnitude per unit becomes 10^3 instead of 10^1.

Diagnostic flash - DesignGouv
Protège-moi sur Internet
Felix' Blog - Replacing nginx with axum

An experiment to replace Nginx with Axum.

Julie Moynat: "Sérieusement, choisissez mieux vos prestataires e…" - Eldritch Café

Le site de l'assemblée nationale inaccessible selon le RGAA.

Accessibility statement for - GOV.UK

One good example of accessibility statement I have found so far

FFI type mismatches in Rust for Linux []

How to map integer types to rust integer types and more.

How to tackle C macros and inline functions in Rust?

Guo put together a ""hack"". His idea was to use Clang to compile helpers.c into LLVM bytecode. Then, for each Rust crate, ask the compiler to emit bytecode as well. Once everything is in the form of LLVM bytecode, it can be fed back into Clang with LTO turned on to produce a combined object file with the helpers inlined.

and more challenging topics.

WAVE Chrome, Firefox, and Edge Extensions
axe: Accessibility Testing Tools and Software
HTML for People

HTML isn’t only for people working in the tech field. It’s for anybody, the way documents are for anybody. HTML is just another type of document. A very special one—the one the web is built on.

Resources and more about HTML for People:

Why GOV.UK’s Exit this Page component doesn’t use the Escape key / Blog / beeps

Using Escape has some limitations:

Why other alternative keys (^ Ctrl, ⎇ Alt, ⌥ Option, ) are not better, because they have tradeoffs.

⇧ Shift is also better. It has also limitations though.

About the EtP pattern what is the EtP pattern?

We would’ve also liked to have had the button overwrite or erase the user’s recent browser history, but we can’t do that either. (And for good reason!)

Why redirect the user to BBC weather?

As civil servants, we didn’t want to link to a news service as that could lead to claims of political bias.
BBC Weather’s homepage is a content-rich page. Users have a reason to be looking at it and to be looking for an extended period of time.

Never Send me a TikTok Video • Robb Knight


Today a friend shared a video on TikTok with me that I promptly sent to my wife because I knew she would find it funny. It is funny (this is a non-tracked link). A few hours later that friend said "Oh your wife has watched it" because TikTok notified him, with her username, that she had watched it. What the actual fuck.

[🐛 Bug]: GDPR infringment, US plausible telemetry without consent · Issue #14588 · SeleniumHQ/selenium · GitHub

The GDPR is not properly implemented everywhere. Aeris shows an example... and most of the projects are not GDPR compliant.

AT&T, Verizon reportedly hacked to target US govt wiretapping platform

The purpose of the attack appears to be for intelligence collection as the hackers might have had access to systems used by the U.S. federal government for court-authorized network wiretapping requests.

This is why putting a backdoor is risky

Static web publishing for Front-End Developers

GitHub - ogham/dog: A command-line DNS client.

A competitor to dig

Online Star Maps: The Moon | TheSkyLive

Focus on the Moon, it shows the sky as your POV depending of the location.

LinkedIn: If our AI gets it wrong, that's your problem • The Register

A professional network that shares incorrect, incomplete, outdated or false information...

At the same time sharing false information is an infringement of the end-user license agreement

Grumpy Website

Rule: Ellipsis in text should be avoided for actions

Blog Your Way Forward | Robert Birming

Again just blog. Or don't after tried it.

Rust in Linux now: Progress, pitfalls, and why devs and maintainers need each other | ZDNET
Setting Up Mastodon Author Tags • Robb Knight

Put <meta name="fediverse:creator" content="" /> on your website :)

The programmer's obsession with version numbers - The Boston Diaries - Captain Napalm

major.minor.patch works well but not for applications.

Cursed Rust — binarycat
  • Copy and Clone can diverge
  • Really long place expression (if)
  • krate vs crate_
  • Rust has reference variables! kinda..
  • &* is actually useful
Blog Stéphane Bortzmeyer: Un peu de terminologie de la gouvernance Internet : multipartieprenantisme
On Ousterhout's Dichotomy

About high and low-programming languages

Gluten : notre blé est-il devenu indigeste ? - Cash investigation - YouTube

Hypersensibles au gluten non-cœliaque

Announcing VoidZero - Next Generation Toolchain for JavaScript | VoidZero
Quand le cabinet de Patrick Hetzel tente de nettoyer sa page Wikipédia - Next

le cabinet de Patrick Hetzel a essayé de supprimer les passages de sa page Wikipédia.

Par exemple: "De plus, il a partagé en 2020 l'infox selon laquelle des euthanasies de personnes malades du Codiv-19 seraient pratiquées illégalement dans des hôpitaux français par utilisation du Clonazépam [1]"


La collaboratrice du ministre reproche quand même à Libération [...] d'avoir « publié un article sans demander l’avis du ministre ».


Introduction - Error Handling in Rust
Ioniq 6 Claims Title Of Hyundai’s Worst-Selling Model By A Landslide | Carscoops

avec le retour d'expérience du Hollandais Volant

Why Go and Rust? - Limeleaf Worker Collective | We Build Software

Human feedbacks

Web Components vs. State-Based UI | Go Make Things

I go often for the state based version, based on component states.

Nearly all the state is handled in the view component.

The bdi element: HeydonWorks

HTML carry the semantic, so the bdi element indicates how to read its content: left to right or right to left.

Great website design BTW

hello! | nicole@web

I somehow enjoy how simple and efficient the website is!

Ode aux perdants

Pour moi, le point commun est surtout une volonté de changer les choses. Or, par définition, si on veut changer les choses, c’est qu’on n’est pas satisfait avec la situation actuelle. On est donc « perdant ».
Être progressiste implique donc d’être perçu comme perdant selon le filtre d’Andy.

Comment encourager le mouvement?

Lorsque l’énergie me manque, lorsque je ne suis pas un révolutionnaire, je me concentre sur un objectif minimal : ne pas être un obstacle à celleux qui mènent la lutte.

Mais lorsque le « Non » frontal n’est pas possible, il reste la rébellion passive en jouant au plus con. C’est une technique qui fonctionne vraiment bien.

Elle consiste à poses des questions.

Lorsqu'un restaurant propose un plat végétarien ou quelqu'un fait un effort, "je le félicite". C'est un signal.
Avoir un compte un compte sur les réseaux libres est un moyen d'éviter d'être un obstacle.

Typing Practice

Another typing training on the web


Learn to type faster with the touch typing. It uses the 10 fingers to type faster.

Copy SSH Keys to a Server • Robb Knight

Setup SSH on a server

Incremental Font Transfer – une opportunité pour des web fonts en Asie · Boris Schapira

Le sous-ensemble latin étendu a 395 caractères et pèse 395ko.

Pour le chinois ou le japonais, il peut y avoir de 3 000 à 80 000 caractères.

L'optimisation habituelle consiste à créer un sous-ensemble, mais il faut néanmoins au moins plus de 5 000 caractères pour certaines langues.

L'idée est donc de créer une police qui peut être segmentée, "contenant uniquement le sous-ensemble de ce qui est critique, puis de lui adjoindre des additions qui complètent la police en cours de route."

Un streaming de caractères de police en somme. Cette idée est actuellement un draft au W3C: Incremental Font Transfer

Hommage à Claire Wineland | Can you trust ?
Svelte 5 is alive
making things better • Buttondown

Optimization is not always a progress in every field

On the Importance of Typing Fast | rugu

Websites to exercise typing:

21 Times The French Language Was Just Too Much. - The Language Nerds
  1. quatre-vingts
  2. Vouvoiement et tutoiement
  3. Four twenties, ten and nine problems
  4. The baguette (de pain) chooses the wizard
  5. Qu'est-ce que c'est que cette chose là?
  6. Vert, vers, ver, verre, vers
  7. In french there are exceptions in exceptions' exceptions.
AI Isn't the Thing. It's the Thing That Enables the Thing

That will kill a lot of companies who don’t understand that AI isn’t the thing—it’s the thing that helps people make the thing.

I ❤️ JWTs (JSON Web Tokens)

How to better use JWTs

CodeSnap - An image editor for developers, who want to share beautiful images of their code | CodeSnap
Why Are Hyperlinks Blue
Why I’m skeptical of rewriting JavaScript tools in “faster” languages | Read the Tea Leaves

Using other languages to build javascript tools add a barrier to the language.

L’informatique en 2024 n’est plus pour moi.
Feed reading — Adactio: Journal

!Instead of catching up, my feed reader behaves more like opening a book."

Here is Jeremy's feedback on RSS feed reader.

From Lucy Bellwood:

I have a richer picture of the group of people in my feed reader than I did of the people I regularly interacted with on social media platforms like Instagram.

You can single-handedly disenshittify your experience of virtually the entire web, just by switching to RSS, traveling back in time to the days when Facebook and Twitter were more interested in showing you the things you asked to see, rather than the ads and boosted content someone else would pay to cram into your eyeballs.

Because blogs are much quieter than social media, there’s also the ability to switch off that awareness that Someone Is Always Watching.

In the end, social media (Mastodon) best's algorithm is when the only algorithm at work in my feed reader— or on Mastodon—is good old-fashioned serendipity, when posts just happened to rhyme or resonate.

Une Europe digitale pas accessible

94 % de sites non accessibles

Raisons? Stéphane Deschamps (via dénonce que l'accessibilité soit hautement technique; alors que la technique de base ne l'est déjà pas.

Cependant le top 3 des problèmes constatés concernent des contrastes insuffisant, des intitulés de liens et noms accessible d'images manquants. Ces erreurs sont techniquement facilement corrigeable!

GitHub - reineimi/va2tables: Create and edit HTML tables right in place

A minimal table editor :)

Madame Mollette : « Martinique Vie chèreGladys Roger du RPPACLa leç… » - Piaille

Martinique Vie chère
Gladys Roger du RPPAC
La leçon ! (et la ligne de chemises cravate en face)
via Caisses de grève

Baldir - Lire du code sous l‘influence de ses émotions

Les quatres manières de lire:

  • indexation
  • skimming
  • analyse
  • sémiologique

Concernant le code:

  • Ne pas attribuer à la malveillance ce que la bêtise peut expliquer ;
  • Ne pas attribuer à la stupidité ce qui est expliqué par le manque d'attention ;
  • Ne pas attribuer au manque d'attention ce qui peut être expliqué par un contexte non dit ;
  • Ne pas attribuer à un contexte non dit ce que le système autour de la personne peut expliquer ;
Intel accusé par la Chine de mettre des backdoors pour le compte de la NSA dans ses processeurs | Cybersécurité | Le site de Korben

Mais certains experts en sécurité ont exprimé récemment de fortes inquiétudes quant au fait que le ME [Management Engine des processeurs] pourrait cacher une porte dérobée, car il fonctionne indépendamment du système d’exploitation et a accès à la mémoire, au réseau et au matériel.

Korben revient sur l'historique de securité de Intel, avec plusieurs failles démontrées...

En plus des problèmes de sécurité, la CSAC critique la fiabilité des produits Intel et son attitude face aux plaintes des utilisateurs.

À suivre car la CSAC n'a encore publié aucune preuve, et qu'Intel n'a pas encore répondu.

OpenAI Is A Bad Business

OpenAI promises return on investment in 2029...

A company "that has no path to profitability,"

As I've said before, I believe there's also a subprime AI crisis brewing because OpenAI's API services — which lets people integrate its various models into external products — is currently priced at a loss, and increasing prices will likely make this product unsustainable for many businesses currently relying on these discounted rates.

As I've said before, OpenAI is unprofitable, unsustainable and untenable in its current form.

The author explains it in few points. See their breakdown on the revenue estimates.


And, if we're honest, it still isn't obvious why anyone should use ChatGPT in the first place, other than the fact everybody is talking about it.

This heavily-suggests that generative AI, as a technology, doesn’t necessarily have a product-market fit.

TypeScript erobert die Kommandozeile: Das Ende von Bash? | heise online
I'm an Impostor
Bloque la pub
Facebook woos the kids
the art of programming and why i won't use llm
Guide de survie à l'agilité.pdf

En 50 pages, ce qui est plus succinct que les longs livres.

Erklärung zur Barrierefreiheit | Bundesregierung

Another example of accessibility statement I have found so far

Building a robust frontend using progressive enhancement - Service Manual - GOV.UK

Build HTML first, then CSS, then JS.

Building your service using progressive enhancement will:

  • ensure your service is robust and of a high quality
  • make it more likely your service will work regardless of which browser or device is being used
  • mean your service’s most basic functionality will work and meet the core needs of the user
  • improve accessibility by encouraging best practices like writing semantic markup help users with device or connectivity limitations to use your service

and arguments against SPA.

ARC Toolkit - Page-Level Testing - TPGi
On the (im)possibility of sustainable artificial intelligence | Internet Policy Review

"[…] But while #AI is quite useful for sorting trash, mega city traffic optimisation or global fair resource distribution are, in fact, no technical problems to be calculated, but social problems of collectively agreeing on the very meaning of optimality in the given case. […] The main claim of AI, that it could technically produce a result, which is in fact the social precondition necessary to meaningfully apply AI, is clearly just circular reasoning. This misjudgement explains why AI can not be the “game changer” being able to break the glass ceiling of transformation […]"


Petite révolution au Royaume-Uni : le train va redevenir public

Parce que pour une ligne de train, il ne peut y avoir X concurrents. Le train est limité par le nombre de ligne ferroviaire.

What Color is Your Function? –

Red/Blue functions allegory of async and sync functions.

The author that if one function is red, all functions using it should be red too.

This is where the “red functions can only be called by red functions” rule comes from. You have to closurify the entire callstack all the way back to main() or the event handler.

One solution could be more generators.
Another is the use of green threads.

[...] Go has eliminated the distinction between synchronous and asynchronous code.

Wealth distribution in the United States

"It turns out that if you put Elon Musk on the graph, almost the entire US population is crammed into a vertical bar, one pixel wide. Each pixel is $500 million wide, illustrating that $500 million essentially rounds to zero from the perspective of the wealthiest Americans." - @kenshirriff, Wealth distribution in the United States


Why I Keep Multiple Blogs | Leon Mika

Owning one or multiple blogs. It all depends on the need. Leon Mika provides his usage, on the contrary of Kev Quirk in Why Have Multiple Blogs

Strategies for Minimizing the Total Cost of Computer Ownership

I am talking to those who may not know much about computers [and have the most efficient buy]

The first is to always understand what you need before you buy.

The next strategy for minimizing the cost of computer ownership is to develop the habit of using efficient software in order to put off buying new hardware for as long as possible. [...] Over the long term, renting almost anything is more expensive than buying.

Amazon sells used computers, but the best place to shop online that I have found is EBay. (EBay is not paying me to say this.)

and more in-depth tips

Ce gouffre économique. On pourrait tellement faire d'autres choses avec ces 10.4 milliards de dollars. L'IA pourrait bien être la prochaine bulle qui causera la crise financière, car l'attente de résultat est toujours en attente.

The Disappearance of an Internet Domain

The .io should disappear in 4 or 5 years. Each TLD has its own rule!

1.2.Train - Billets de train SNCF

Minimal interface ✅

Because ordering train tickets should be as easy as 1,2,3

Eric Schmidt estime les objectifs climatiques inatteignables, et propose de les confier à des IA - Next


Build A Static RSS Reader To Fight Your Inner FOMO — Smashing Magazine

Visualizing and understanding PostgreSQL EXPLAIN plans made easy.

La moustache pour tous !, par Mathieu Colloghan (Le Monde diplomatique, août 2022)
Wikidata is a Giant Crosswalk File | Drew Breunig
Terra Nil | Available now on Nintendo Switch, PC & Netflix
Blog Stéphane Bortzmeyer: RFC 9651: Structured Field Values for HTTP
L’agresseur sexuel de onze sœurs et cousines, bien que reconnu coupable, échappe à la détention

"Il a été reconnu coupable de ses actes mais là il ne s'est même pas présenté pour entendre ce que le juge avait à lui dire. Il est resté dehors."

"Il y a des gens qui font moins que ça et qui vont en prison. Maintenant c'est à la justice de faire son travail. Si demain cet homme récidive, ce qui sera certainement le cas, car ça ne s'arrête pas comme ça d'être pédophile, c'est la justice qui sera responsable de ce qui va se passer".

Très petit guide agile sans jargon agile | Pablo Pernot
eol-dr/ at main · potatoqualitee/eol-dr

Checklist plan for your die

Public letter - Public_letter_WWWF.pdf

The WWW Foundation

En 2019, cela dit, pour les 30 ans de sa création, Tim Berners-Lee regrettait trois des plus grosses problématiques qui avaient émergé en ligne : opérations malveillantes (d’États comme de particuliers), création de systèmes au design trompeur (dark patterns) ; et conséquences négatives involontaires découlant, en partie, des deux premiers éléments (provoquant notamment la polarisation des discours).

. The conclusion we have reached is that Tim’s passion on restoring power over and control of data to individuals and actively building powerful collaborative systems needs to be the highest priority going forward. In order to best achieve this, Tim will focus his efforts to support his vision for the Solid Protocol and other decentralised systems.

Le gouvernement envisage de généraliser la vidéosurveillance algorithmique expérimentée pendant les JO

Olala quelle surprise.

Mais au fait, qu'est-ce que l'expérience de la vidéosurveillance algorithmique a eu de positive ?

Selon les autorités, le bilan de cette expérimentation est positif

Selon le vendeur de jus de fruits, boire du jus de fruits est bon pour la santé.