Daily Shaarli

All links of one day in a single page.

September 25, 2024

Cèdre : « c'est rare d'avoir des personnages explicitement … » - Corneilles

capture d'écran du jeu avec une ourse rectangle en tenue de plage dans un fauteuil roulant, l'air en colère, devant une scout et une petite maisonnette de plage: Mais mon fauteuil n'a jamais été un frein pour moi. Ce sont les autres qui m'ont empêchée d'avancer.

Announcing Stable V8 Bindings for Rust

how to compile and run JS code in rust through V8

U.S. govt agency CMS says data breach impacted 3.1 million people

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) federal agency announced earlier this month that health and personal information of more than three million health plan beneficiaries was exposed in the MOVEit attacks Cl0p ransomware conducted last year.

Personally identifiable information are leaked.

Move Fast and Abandon Things

Never mind that you can also harvest code from any of your shelved projects. I mean why rewrite the Fisher–Yates shuffle algorithm if you have it already in a shelved game? Code for switching the monitor depth (on those early Macs) I moved from game to game… Polygon-point collision code, a sine lookup-table for quick trig functions, a dot-product routine, cross-product routines…

was the whole exercise of my guerilla programming technique a wash? Maybe. But it always served me well

There were times too when a coworker might have said, “You should have used a Bloom Filter” and I was able to come back with, “Yeah, already tried that but the typical data we are seeing is so small that the performance gains were negligible and added unnecessary complexity to the code base so I tossed it.” Boom!

A.B.I Always Be Iterating.