Daily Shaarli

All links of one day in a single page.

September 24, 2024

An open invitation - Daniel Roe

A great feedback from a main Nuxt contributor about Open Source contribution

What is io_uring?
Time spent programming is often time well spent - Stan Bright

About writing their own RSS script:

I learned new things and got satisfaction out of seeing them run correctly. I get nothing like that out of comparing apps and services.

the biggest advantage echoes what Dr. Drang says: Programming is often more fun than the alternative uses of my time.

Three reasons why time spent programming is well spent and joyful:

  1. Learning: for example the EmojiHomepage to learn VueJS; Altercamp Live to learn "Phoenix LiveView" and practice OTP knowledge.
  2. Control: the software does exactly what you want + from the self-built programs come the IKEA Effect
  3. Creativity: creating anything is a desire and practicing it always leads to joyful experiences. That includes anything - complex systems, simple scripts, an article posted online, a wooden box.

The Hacker news discussion about this post has many testimony: side effects of programming without clear goal first. https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=24564835

Contributing to Nuxt - Daniel Roe

I think open source is a chance to step outside the normal producer-consumer dichotomy and enter the world of relationships. [...] is a chance to give and receive.

How to start contributing?

  • If you are new to a project (as to a company), you have a priceless gift. You can see more clearly than people who are already there. You might be in a perfect position to challenge 'received wisdom.' 💡
  • If you care about a project, then you are in the best position to make it better.
  • Contributing to open source is a phenomenal way to grow.
Un astéroïde long comme un bus va orbiter autour de la Terre pendant deux mois

Normal :)

Que la gravité de la Terre réussisse à piéger un astéroïde pendant plusieurs semaines, voire plusieurs mois, n’est pas un phénomène inédit – cela se produit plusieurs fois par décennie – mais il reste fascinant.

Ubuntu 24.10 fait sa rentrée : noyau 6.11, GNOME 47, Wayland pour tous et APT 3.0 - Next
Ask Me Anything - Daniel Roe

#idea #blog create my own ama page. A follow-up with few questions is to create a FAQ page :)

Thoughts On Programming (In Parentheses) - The Code It Yourself Manifesto

Software is a way to get something done.

The followers of the Code It Yourself Manifesto believe in these things:

  • We implement it according to our own goals.
  • We make mistakes and learn from them.
  • We learn how our tools we depend on need to work.
  • We gain a deep understanding of our problem domain.
lmno.lol - A blogging platform that cares for the internet and its users.
The kind of websites, I like | Lobsters

The form should be the following:

*links resources only from the same domain (same tld)

  • no CDN / Captchas / geographical restrictions
  • does not require JavaScript for main functions (including e.g. writing comments, registration or placing orders)
  • works in text browsers like Lynx
  • screenshots of whole page can be saved (no weird scrolling, fixed panels etc.)
  • if I save the page as HTML, it can be viewed offline later (including all important assets)
  • no tracking or affilate links
  • no ad system, no aggressive adverts (moderate ones are acceptable, content:advert ratio should be somehow 90:10 or better)
  • meaningful titles and links (not misleading and if I bookmark the page, I can find it by keyword later)
  • images have alternative text and / or description
  • cited or borrowed content from other authors has proper references
  • links to downloadable files say also format and size, e.g. „technical documentation (PDF, 560 KiB, 84 pages)“
  • all pages have a timestamp / date of creation and last change
  • says who is the author (may be a pseudonyme) and what is the purpose of the website; something like impressum
  • catalog of all pages or at least news are available as RSS/Atom/RDF machine-readable format
  • no annoying cookie consents, newsletters, pop-ups, paywalls etc.
  • generated content (AI and other) is clearly marked (if any) and differentiated from human-created content
  • no automatically playing videos or sounds; no autoplay (unless explicitly turned on by the user)

Maybe I could share mine someday. #futureBilletDeBlog

Someone points out the dark nets and the need for optimized websites. Other list different arguments or ideas.