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What would you do if you weren’t afraid?
When I asked myself that question I realized I should be working for myself, building things that help people, consulting with people to help them, and putting that content into the world somehow.
Daniel Miessler runs Unsupervised Learning, so he's building the platform. He's doing some consulting and advising related to customers for a service company. He also has the podcast and newsletter :)
The result from all of this is that the promise of going to school, getting a stable job at a company, and having some sort of future from that is—or at least feels—more tenuous than ever.
I believe that the time for being identified by—and tied to—corporate jobs is passing, and it’s time to transition to what comes next
Think about work like a relationship. It’s hard to be a good partner if you’re not first healthy and independent on your own.
Le stage doit être rémunéré après la 3è. Un thread.
Si cela vous est refusé ⛔ c'est qu'on ne compte pas vous utiliser sérieusement et que vous avez de grande chance de vous faire lourder pendant votre stage car on a pas réellement besoin de vous derrière 🤡
Pour les freelances, inclure une partie dédiée aux réunions.
Accepter les entretiens techniques avec le client final uniquement et refuser les période
En tant que développeur salarié, quand vous souhaitez changer de poste, n'acceptez pas de passer des entretiens qui durent plus d'une heure.
Cela coûte trop et autant éviter le travail déguisé s'il fait "faut faire ses preuves".
Un exemple du fourvoiement du terme de médiateur.
Avis opposé au métier passion:
Anne-Genthialon figurait évidemment dans la première catégorie, mais l’argent demeure tabou dans les métiers passion. Les retards de paiement, les minorations… Tout cela, il faut le taire sous peine de ne pas être assez cool, de rater le CDI pour ces raisons.
Et l’autrice de raconter comment sa mère ne comprend pas l’absence de CDI après la meilleure école de journalisme et l’enjoint à envoyer son CV à Ruth Elkrief
4 burners where all of the 4 can not coexist: Family, Friends, Health, Work
The Four Burners Theory says that “in order to be successful you have to cut off one of your burners. And in order to be really successful you have to cut off two.”
- Outsource Burners
It does not work well for family, friends and health at some point...
- Embrace Constraints
Optimise everything. Assuming a particular set of constraints, how can I be as effective as possible?
Embracing constraints means accepting that you are operating at less than your full potential. Yes, there are plenty of ways to “work smarter, not harder” but it is difficult to avoid the fact that where you spend your time matters. If you invested more time into your health or your relationships or your career, you would likely see improved results in that area.
- The season of life
What if, instead of searching for perfect work-life balance at all times, you divided your life into seasons that focused on a particular area?
Furthermore, there is often a multiplier effect that occurs when you dedicate yourself fully to a given area. In many cases, you can achieve more by going all-in on a given task for a few years than by giving it a lukewarm effort for fifty years. Maybe it is best to strive for seasons of imbalance and rotate through them as needed.
« La glorification de l'efficacité en toutes circonstances est une valeur qui sert en premier lieu les intérêts du capital, en nous poussant à considérer notre propre existence comme une machine productive qu'il faut donc sans cesse optimiser, pour réduire à leurs minimums les temps d'inactivité, d'inefficacité, d'improductivité. »
Pas faux.
faire les choses comme on veut les faire, pas pour être efficace, pas pour être productif, mais parce que ça nous procure de la joie.
Some principles:
- Work on something that matters to you more than money.
- Create more value than you capture.
- Take the long view. →There is no small here. (read the story about it)
You should regard money as fuel for what you really want to do, not as a goal in and of itself
That’s why a time like this, when the bubble is bursting, is a great time to see how important it is to think about the big picture, and what matters not just to us, but to building a sustainable economy in a sustainable world.
L'industrie où tu travailles détermines en grande partie ta rémunération potentielle.
Shopify vs Carrefour en 2021 :
- CA : 4,61B$ vs 81,25B€
- Bénéfices : 2,91B$ vs 1,07B€
- CA/Bénef : 63% vs 1,3%
- Employés : 10k vs 320k
- Bénef/Employé : 291k$ vs 3343,75€
Tell your mentee what you expect from him. If you want him to come prepared for your meetings with questions he has sent you in advance, ask for that.
Expectations need to be explicitly defined.
Préparer ses 1–1 avec son manager, lui poser les questions en avance, ce sont deux attentes explicites que je pose sur les grilles de compétence. Ça vaut effectivement certainement avec les mentors aussi.
Dire quand ça ne fonctionne pas c’est traiter [le manager] avec respect et faire confiance dans son humilité.
Les deux seules attitudes à éviter c’est dire oui alors que vous pensez non, ou dire non comme un point d’arrêt qui ne peut pas être renversé.
Dire non c’est aussi savoir le faire sur la discussion, en motivant et expliquant, puis en sachant potentiellement passer outre ensuite.
Ce sont des remarques pertinentes pour toute personne travaillant dans une entreprise 👍
Le droit aux congés payés est ouvert au salarié, quels que soient son emploi, sa qualification, la nature de sa rémunération et son horaire de travail. Le salarié à temps partiel dispose des mêmes droits que le salarié à temps complet.
Le salarié à temps plein a droit à un congé de 2,5 jours ouvrables par mois de travail effectif chez le même employeur, soit 30 jours ouvrables (cinq semaines) pour une année complète de travail.
1.As a software engineer, you are not there to take requirements blindly. You are there to partner with your business and product partners. That means you have to earn an equal seat at the table on product decisions.
- Being smart or good at what you do does not give you the right to be a jerk. Empathy as an engineer is a superpower. Caring about those you work with will do more for your career than writing beautiful defect-free code.
- As someone in the code, every day, you will see things that others will never see. You will know what's possible; they'll guess what's possible. Some of the best product features are born because engineers found clever ways to solve something. Look out for those things.
- You are there to add value first. All the code you wrote will end up in the recycling bin of some computer if it does not add value directly or indirectly to the business. It doesn't matter how pretty your code is or how much you love it if it doesn't add value.
- Your code should follow this pattern: Make it work → Make it fast → Make it beautiful [make it right is included in the make it work IMHO]. Reminder: You won't have a chance to make it fast or beautiful if it doesn't add value.
- Build relationships with engineers in other teams and other companies. Learn about the problems they are solving. Learn different architecture and designs than the ones your team uses. You never know when their solutions will save you days of work.
- You don't need permission to add value. If you see something and know you can fix or improve it, do it. Nobody will ever say to you, "why did you add all that value? WTF is wrong with you!?" Every time I've done that unexpectedly, I've earned outsized rewards.
- 10x engineers do exist and so do .1x engineers too. If you think they don’t exist, that’s just because you haven’t worked with any of them yet.
- Just because you think someone shouldn’t be hired, that does not mean they aren’t a good engineer. It also does not mean they don’t have a strong work ethic. A strong work ethic is the most important thing, and it's nearly impossible to tease out in an interview.
- Advocate for junior engineers. Without junior engineers on the team, no one will grow. Help others grow; you'll grow too.
- Have empathy for the people you interview. You could be in that situation. The set of things to know is large, even if you only ask basics. Plus, on a whiteboard, the other person is being judged. They have a lot to lose, maybe hundreds of thousands in income.
- Even though you work with computers, your career and future depend on people. Until AI runs things, people still run the world, and relationships matter a lot. Build relationships with people outside of engineering, listen to their problems. It will change your trajectory.
Et comme les prix augmentent mais pas le smic, bah les gens vont là où on paye autre chose que le smic.
… et si t’es obligé de fermer, car tu peux pas faire tourner la boutique, désolé pour toi, mais c’est que ton business pue la merde d’un point de vue économique. C’est tout.
Parce qu'on mutualise les coûts pour les entreprises, et qu'il est préférable de payer pour se faire aider dans l'exploitation de ces logiciels. On ne paie qu'avec la valeur recue plutôt que les licences :)
I always thought burnout happened when you work too much.
Now I get it. It's investing emotionally and then not getting a return on that investment.
It’s not the purpose of any business to give people jobs.
I think when we look back and the metaverse 100 years from now, it’ll be primarily seen as a mental health tool for human transition from being useful to being useless in the old world.
I am not sure about the last one, as the metaverse can provide an opposite effect: the real world is now pointless as everything will be better in the metaverse...
A schema of skills about influence, technology, system, people and process
PRO TIP: pouvoir laisser un pourboire au technicien s'étant occupé du ticket. Bonne idée !