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As author Sam Harris said, “In a world of true abundance, you shouldn’t have to work to justify your life.”
UBI stands for Universal Basic Income.
Proponents of UBI — and I count myself among them — argue that it offers a safety net that enables individuals to pursue education, start businesses, or engage in creative endeavours without the fear of financial ruin, creating a more innovative, entrepreneurial, and dynamic society.
UBI is grounded in the principle of shared prosperity and the intrinsic value of each individual, irrespective of their economic contribution.
Experiments in Finland and Canada have shown that providing a basic income does not significantly diminish people’s desire to work. Instead, it affords them the flexibility to pursue work that is meaningful and suited to their skills rather than being trapped in the cycle of low-paying or unsatisfying jobs.
With a correct basic income, you can safely strive for the progress of humanity.