203 private links
The symptoms of pop culture:
- A “disdain for history”. Pop cultures believe history doesn’t have anything to teach them.
- Newer is automatically better. Pop cultures are built on the assumption that anything new or different is superior to established. Or, in other words, older is inherently inferior.
- What’s next is going to be superior to what’s now. Pop cultures exist in perpetual anticipation of the next trend. Their disbelief of history appears to outsiders as a belief in progress.
- The “Pop” in “Pop Culture” stands for “popularity”. If it’s popular then it must be right.
These traits are deeply irrational but they are the tech industry’s default mode of operation.
Oh surprise
On aura sûrement ce genre d'abus de la technologie au J.O. puisque le gouvernement a annoncé les utiliser...
Cela traduit une forme d’épuisement du débat démocratique : la Convention citoyenne pour le climat a eu beau demander « un moratoire sur la 5G », cette proposition a été balayée d’un revers de la main. Quant aux cahiers de doléances rédigés à la fin de la crise des Gilets jaunes, ils ont été archivés – fin de l’histoire. Résultat, la perspective de la discussion démocratique suscite une forme de désillusion, de désenchantement. La production d’idées ne suffit pas. Ça n’est pas juste en jetant son téléphone que la donne va changer.
A song is resonating at the same frequency of a 5400 HDD x)
It's listed as CVE-2022-38392
Rather than interrogating a device directly, we ask the device vendor to do it for us.
I see so much problems coming 🍿
At the same time, I like the idea so much!
4 parties involved:
- an origin (service provider)
- a client (service consumer)
- an attester (proof the client is real, for example device vendors)
- an issuer: producer of the token called by the attester and choosed by the origin
1,02 pétabit par seconde: le record de transfert de données par fibre optique a été explosé | korii.
1,01 Pb/s avait déjà été atteint en décembre 2020. Le record ici provient "des méthodes qui semblent beaucoup plus simples à adapter aux réseaux existants".
c'est justement parce qu'évaluer sérieusement une invention prend du temps qu'on ne peut pas le faire pour chaque type qui annonce à l'univers qu'il a inventé un truc extraordinaire. Toute personne connue dans son domaine voit passer de nombreuses annonces d'inventions géniales, et si elle consacrait à chacune le temps nécessaire pour être absolument sûre de sa vacuité, cette personne n'aurait pas le temps de faire du travail sérieux.
Mais c'est ainsi. Les journées n'ont que 24 heures et il faut bien dormir de temps en temps. Si vous êtes inventeur, ne croyez pas qu'un·e expert·e du domaine va consacrer gratuitement des heures ou des jours de son temps à analyser patiemment tout ce que vous racontez.
Eh oui ! Il faut penser au temps, que tout le monde n'en a pas assez et faciliter la prise en main de la solution !
Quel problème est-ce que ma solution résous, comment, son efficacité, etc...
Cela se voit avec les outils liés aux développements web: ceux qui ont du succès ont de la documentation, des exemples, guides, démarrage rapide via un environnement (comme le REPL de svelte)
A blog made of different component. We can see them on hover.
Des idées de recyclages, d'éco-conception mises en pratique. Cela fait plaisir à lire.
How it works. A great article
WALTER PLECKER WAS AN ASSHOLE.In the 1920s, he was registrar of Virginia’s Bureau of Vital Sta-
tistics, the state government office that controlled birth, death,
marriage, and divorce records (http://bkaprt.com/eia/o0-01/). As
a frothing-at-the-mouth white supremacist, Plecker was terri-
fied of interracial marriage. Its very existence, he insisted, was
the result of poor categorization: white people were marrying
non-white people only because the government hadn’t labeled
them “correctly.”Plecker decided that he could use bureaucracy to change this,
and he was right: all he had to do was relabel Virginia’s racial
categories, and racist laws took care of the rest. He reduced the
number of racial identity categories to just two, then altered and
enforced documentation to reflect his definitions.This meant that a very small and specific group of people
were labeled white, and everyone who fell outside of Plecker’s
narrow view were not—and their lives changed accordingly.
The government saw them differently, identified them dif-
ferently, treated them differently. They no longer had access
to the same public spaces, the same schools, the same ser-
vices and safety nets afforded to white people. Marriages were
invalidated. Children were separated from parents. Virginians
lost agency over who they were—all because Walter Plecker
changed a label.Changing a label is a design decision—one calculated, in this
case, to disenfranchise specific human beings.Now, most of us don’t have Walter Plecker’s job. We are,
instead, designers, developers, copywriters, strategists. We
work on the web, and we may not think our work carries that
same weight.I'm here to argue that it does. Whatever our role, we are
designers of information. Our choices alter the presentation
and flow of human knowledge. We control how people find,
understand, and use information in every facet of their lives.‘We must be very, very careful.
How designing information can change the lives and the world
One Ladtop per child (OLPC) is definitely not a solution:
Some had photoblogs, others played around with the Scratch tool & learnt some technical skills.
What was common for most of them?‘Enthusiastic Teachers & care-givers who gave support & encouragement to the children to use their laptops for creation & not just for consumption.’
This brings me to my ‘Iceberg theory of EdTech.’
All the focus is on the 1/10th part which is visible: The TECH of EdTech
The part that is constantly ignored is the 9/10th part of the iceberg.
The part which is hidden from view: The ED of EdTech
Read the thread for more: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1438503323594723343.html
and how to generate "truly" random numbers
À surveiller car cela pourrais bien être utile !
Les promesses des cryptomonnaies étaient séduisantes, mais elles posent divers problèmes, notamment écologiques: Elles consomment d'énormes quantité de courant électrique. À tel point que le gouvernement Chinois est obligé d'intervenir.
PS: Les joueurs de jeux vidéos enragent aussi, d'ailleurs: Les mineurs de cryptomonnaies achètent massivement des cartes graphiques, car le rapport puissance/prix est très intéressant. Les cartes graphiques sont donc en rupture de stock partout.
Avec l'article original
They recorded themselves screaming, tapping and creating other noises that might be a sign of people in trouble. Then, they analyzed each sound frequency to find common “signatures” and used those to train artificial intelligence software.
Wow this is a great project. It uses 100% solar-powered servers all around the worlds to get 100% uptime.
It's nice to have such experiences 😄