205 private links
everyone trying to convince me that AI will replace all of the software jobs within the next few years has to get past the obstacle that they always seem to be the same people who were trying to convince me that I’d be going around spending crypto rather than fiat currency “within the next few years” quite a bit more than a few years ago now
« We reviewed this with our external lawyers »
but what we are saying is wrong because it does not follow the GDPR.
« David Lisnard veut expulser de son logement social la famille d'un homme ayant insulté la police . »
Rien ne va dans cette information.
Diagram with large number (following semantic versioning): 2.7.123
First “2” is commented: Proud version. Bump when you are proud of the release
Second “7” is commented: Default version. Just normal/okay releases
Third “123” is commented: Shame version. Bump when fixing things too embarrassing to admit
What I’m taking from this is that software engineers spend most of our time on engineering software, and writing code is (as expected) a relatively small portion of that work.
Imagine this for other engineering disciplines. “Wow structural engineers seem to spend most of their time on meetings and CAD and relatively little time physically building bridges with their hands! This is something AI can and should fix. I am very smart”
(comment from https://ioc.exchange/@kevinriggle/113641234199724146)
This is absolute gold! A professional from the health insurance sector, shares straightforward, mind-blowing facts.
It’s four minutes long, but absolutely 'must watch' if you live in the US.
Why United Healthcare is a monopoly?
Are hCaptcha not accessible to screen readers?
J'ouvre l'espace "dépôt de documents" sur le site de ma mutuelle, et je vois un Thumbs.db.
Purin encore un machin géré sous Windows. Non seulement géré sous Windows, mais accédé via cette saleté d'explorateur de fichiers Windows :facepalm:
J'imagine les employés qui viennent double-cliquer sur les fichiers déposés par les adhérents😬
Les probables problèmes de droits entre répertoires, les fausses manipulation (entre adhérents) trop vites arrivées quand on manipule de fichiers à la souris, etc
Alternative text:
Headline: Reaching people on the internet
Frame 1
Title: How it used to be:
Character Matt stands in front of modest building labeled "Matt's Website" with flags "Email", "Netvibes" (sp?), and "RSS" flags flying from roof. Matt says, "Come on over! I've got some neat stuff here." as a small group listens.Frame 2
Title: What Happened:
Matt's modest building is now dwarfed by a giant skyscraper with Facebook logo on it. Sign above entrance says, "Welcome, new active users!" The small group of characters rushes over to Facebook while Matt says, "Actually, follow me over there. It'll be easier for us to reach each other."Frame 3
Title: Where we're at now:
Matt stands outside Facebook building, alone. His modest building stands in background Sign above Facebook entrance says, "Door locks ENGAGED." as Matt yells at building, "Hey, I made some new stuff. Can you show it to my followers?"Frame 4
Sign above Facebook entrance says, "PROMOTION! Boost this post for $10,000 and reach a fraction of your followers!" Matt looks at building and says, "Fuck."
(thanks https://kolektiva.social/@JohnMFlores/109383699767799787)
Signal seems to consume a lot of battery.
Our maps are wrong
Une illustration de l'artificialisation des sols. Elle conduit à de plus graves inondations.
[Message de service] Quand vous avez une difficulté avec l'administration (Pôle Emploi/CAF/Impôts/etc.) :
- courrier recommandé s'il n'y a pas de base légale (AKA : l'article de loi/le décret/la circulaire, bref le fondement juridique) ;
- faites toujours par écrit (email ça marche aussi) ;
- si les mecs en face persistent : courrier recommandé avec indication qu'en cas d'échec, vous saisissez le médiateur compétent.
Je vous promets que ça calme.
L'ONU vient d'annoncer qu'on allait baisser les émissions mondiales de 2,6% d'ici 2030 au lieu d'un objectif de 43%. C'est une catastrophe.
Où est l'attention médiatique ? Le livre de Bardella cancelled, le Ballon d'Or, Macron et Teddy Riner au Maroc, etc.
When you can, avoid number-only date formats. Sighted users could be confused on whether the first number is the month or day. If you've incorrectly designated your document's language, screen reader users might hear the wrong date. Writing out the month prevents this confusion.
Lungs, heart, pancreas and ... brain
The only reason business people see ChatGPT as a magic tool is because they are really really bad typists.
This is a serious take.
Heise gets more traffic from Mastodon than from Twitter
Trump will be at the white house on the 20th January, 2025. Elon Musk will be there too. What a great day to leave Twitter at that moment!
If you don't like Twitter's new Terms of Service, which state that all your tweets can be used for AI training as from 15 November, you could of course already (archive and) delete all your old tweets now. - from https://mastodon.energy/@Sustainable2050/113474200233764028