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A curated list of algorithms sorted in two categories: Beginner and Advanced
JavaScript Repository of TheAlgorithms, which implements various algorithms and data structures in JavaScript.
For education only
In general, the larger the primes you use, the better the illusion of randomness. With smaller primes, you will get more variation, but less appearance of randomness.
The first way is to set each trait on :nth-child(pn + b)
where p is a prime which increases with each value and b is constant for each trait.
The second way (which is more on par with the original Cicada principle) is to set each trait on :nth-child(pn + b) where p is constant per trait, and b increases with each value. This creates a better overall impression of randomness (especially if you order the values in a pseudo-random way too) without “holes”, but is more tedious, as you need as many values as the prime you’re using.
A collection of algorithms. They are available in many languages.
Here a list about datastructures: https://the-algorithms.com/fr/category/datastructures
A et B sont deux tranches horaires avec les indices: 1 le début de la tranche horaire et 2 la fin de la tranche horaire.
Alors il suffit de résoudre l'expression suivante:
(B2 < A1 or B1 > A2)
Et voilà !
Ranger les mots par index permet de décharger entre la demande de l'utilisateur et sa réponse.
Tout est dans l'image, plus efficace qu'une recherche humaine dans un dicitonnaire par ordre alphabétique (approximativement une recherche dichotomique): https://www.camilab.co/content/images/2021/12/dictionnaire.png
Cela se fait au détriment:
- du temps de construction de l'index au départ → à faire qu'une seule fois
- de l'espace de stockage pour cet index → OSEF car le stockage est peu coûteux
- l'accès au disque sera toujours moins rapide que conserver les données en mémoire -→comment compresser l'index ?
A case study
Do not compress the data directly but creates a program that can reproduce the data 💥
As an example: Aaprogram able to calculate the Fibonacci sequence is a "compressed" representation of the Fibonacci sequence. We replace the data by code, code capable of reconstructing the data.
They already manage to gain 20% on APKs (Android applications) with Superpack compared to the usual zip compression of APKs.
about tree data structures and their diversity
Example of morse and UTF-8 decoder, word counter, coroutine and generators, and a unicode-case folding state machine
How to use hexagonal grids. It is complete ! Wow well done.
Everything is here to create a game based on hexagons :)
And how good it is, even with some flaws.
Source code is available on Mozilla's Github
LZHAM is a lossless data compression codec with a compression ratio comparable to LZMA but with 1.5~8x faster decompression.
And LZMA is one of the best ! ❤️
Link to the repository
(shared by https://sebsauvage.net/links/?KsYL2w)