222 private links
Avoiding media queries is possible but unreadable.
Some SCSS mixins make it more readable though: https://github.com/ryevych/adaptiveValueFunction/blob/main/scss/adaptiveValueFunction.scss
Two good examples are provided :)
A web component for drawing patterns with CSS
The images are actually impressive
And some figures: https://yuanchuan.dev/polygon-shapes
Easier clamp values with a min and max values, and the size of the viewport.
Example of usage of conic-gradient
object-fit: cover;
is the one mostly used because it preserves the ratio of the image and it fits the dimension of the container.
There is multiple use cases:
- user avatars
- logos list
- article thumbnail
- hero background
- displaying videos
is for the background and has 3 values: auto
, contain
and cover
apply every hover effect on devices that can not support the hover effect (smartphones, ...).
Use the @media (hover: hover)
media query to target devices that have the :hover
effect available, or @media (hover: none)
A state of the art library for vue components
I agree
An interactive gallery that demonstrated what's possible with just CSS gradients.
CSS variables that provoke invalid CSS declarations (for example --foo: ;
) are set to unset
Space toggle for numerical value: calc(1.5 var(--toggle-value, - .4))
with toggle value:
:root {
--ON: initial
--OFF: ;
Use variables for pure data, not CSS values as CSS values are often bound with a unit.
Relative values inherit as syntax tokens unless the property is registered. Registering a property as
Again CSS properties:
.box {
padding: var(--py, 1rem) var(--px, 1rem);
.box--some-variant {
--px: 2rem;
- Think about the
selector, especially for message errors :) :target
to select the node targeted by an achor.:only-child
Another minimalistic CSS framework that makes a webpage pretty
A pure CSS form plugin
TL;DR Nearly 50% of HWB possible values tends to grey shades.
In both HWB & HSL colors, we can describe white and black and a full scale of grays using any hue we want. It doesn’t matter what hue we provide in either table
Lucky for us, browsers don’t generally render gradients using naive HSL math: currently browsers convert everything to sRGB before mixing. Gradients in RGB can still get muddy at times