180 private links
Contrairement au cliché mille fois répété (mais faux), le DNS ne sert pas qu'à « traduire des noms de domaine en adresses IP ». Il est d'un usage général et permet de récupérer, indexées par un nom de domaine, diverses informations. Un nouveau type d'information vient d'être officiellement enregistré, WALLET, pour indiquer l'adresse d'un portefeuille de cryptomonnaie.
High quality GIFs
gov.uk does not use jQuery anymore.
L'utilisation incessante JavaScript de pointe a contribué à rendre le web moins accessible, en affectant de manière disproportionnée les utilisateurs dont les appareils et les conditions de réseau sont incapables de télécharger les énormes charges utiles associées à ces frameworks et (2) de gérer la mémoire requise pour exécuter le code du framework dans le navigateur. L'accent mis sur la création d'applications hautement interactives entraîne une coupure d'accès au Web de certains internautes.
Pire encore, les personnes qui ont tendance à posséder des appareils moins puissants et celles qui vivent dans des zones où la connexion à l'internet est plus lente sont souvent celles qui pourraient bénéficier le plus d'un accès bien soutenu au web (par exemple, pour accéder aux services gouvernementaux).
Signals, Zoneless, Material 3, ...
Not owning things is a privilege.
It is a privilege to say: “I don’t need a spare in case of emergency.”
It is a privilege to say: “I know I won’t need this in the future.”
And it is a privilege to afford quality products that will last you close to a lifetime instead of having to re-buy stuff.
and the author lifestyle that is better (without the current minimalism "trend").
In my experience, less things also means less distractions, less need for space and less complications.
100% true from my experience.
It’s about contentment, sure. But I also think it’s about knowledge and culture — knowing what you don’t need and what you can get out of life for less.
The Open Source ideology is misused by companies: its ideology concerns production (similarly to FLOSS). You contribute to the software back.
Copyleft can force an absolute minimal “contribution” back to your project, but it can’t force a good-faith one. This makes it an inadequate tool towards building something with the kinds of values that many developers care about.
But I do think I’ve properly identified the problem: many developers conceive of software freedom as something larger than purely a license that kinds in on redistribution. This is the new frontier for those who are thinking about furthering the goals of the free software and open source movements. Our old tools are inadequate, and I’m not sure that the needed replacements work, or even exist.
The downside of AI for programming:
- Erosion of Core Programming Skills
- Over-Reliance on Auto-Generated Code
- Lack of Ownership and Responsibility
- Reduced Learning Opportunities
- Narrowed Creative Thinking
- Dependency on Proprietary Tools
- false sense of expertise
Pour ces deux manquements, la formation restreinte a prononcé une amende de 800 000 euros à l’encontre de la société CEGEDIM SANTÉ.
Ferrocene is the open-source qualified Rust compiler toolchain for safety- and mission-critical. Qualified for automotive and industrial development.
About C and C++ standards; their evolution and the apparition of Rust as an online open-source collaboration and cross-platform language. How Rust features go from idea to stable. What is the reference documentation of Rust?
While for many users, a specification would just be “nice to have”, there are also Rust users for whom such a specification is absolutely necessary to be able to use Rust for the field they work in.
It’s good that we, the Rust project itself, own the language and the process for making changes to it. We just need to get better at documenting it, and could use some help.
Vu que les fuites de données ne sont pas vraiment évitables, est-ce que ces sociétés vont moins collecter des données?
(via https://sebsauvage.net/links/?Qgk2LA)
I’ll point out that the training data requires the wholesale harvesting of creative works without compensation.
I’ll also point out the ludicrously profligate energy use required not just for the training, but for the subsequent queries.
but "these things will get better!"... first there is no evidence. Second what the hell kind of logic is that?
Le système de backup actuel ne fonctionne plus. Quelques idées sont évoquées.
Index.html, style.css and index.js. 3 files.
An example: https://frostapalooza.bradfrost.com/