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202 private links
202 private links
About design:
- Less is more: the content will be more important
- 5x5 rule: Maximum 5 lines of texte for a slide, and maximum 5 words per line.
- Show, don't tell: group together, use size, color, font, bold, etc...
- Fonts: Outfit, Montserrat, Lato, Fira, Roboto, Opan Sans, Poxima, Circular
- Illustrations: Pixabay (https://pixabay.com/fr/), Unsplash (https://unsplash.com), stocksnap (https://stocksnap.io), Undraw (https://undraw.co)
- Icons: Flaticon, TheNounProject (https://thenounproject.com/)
- Figma or Adoe XD can help to create the slides