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200 private links
- I still don't know very much.
- The hardest part of software is building the right thing.
- The best software engineers think like designers.
- The best code is no code, or code you don't have to maintain.
- Software is a means to an end.
- Sometimes you have to stop sharpening the saw, and just start cutting shit.
- If you don’t have a good grasp of the universe of what’s possible, you can’t design a good system.
- Every system eventually sicks, get over it.
- Nobody asks "why" enough.
- We should be far more focused on avoiding 0.1x programmers than finding 10x programmers.
- One of the biggest differences between a senior engineer and a junior engineer is that they’ve formed opinions about the way things should be.
- People don’t really want innovation.
- Your data is the most important part of your system.
- Look for technological sharks.
- Don't mistake humility for ignorance.
- Software engineers should write regularly.
- Keep your processes as lean as possible.
- Software engineers, like all humans, need to feel ownership.
- Interviews are almost worthless for telling how good of a team member someone will be.
- Always strive to build a smaller system.
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