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When you are rich—
—you are grateful.
—you are generous.
—you share your wealth.
—you use your wealth to benefit everyone.
—you take more responsibility, the more you own (“own”).
—you don’t exploit people you’re responsible for and you don’t exploit people you’re not responsible for.
—you don’t use your wealth against someone who isn’t as wealthy.
—you happily pay your taxes.
—you support taxes on wealth.
—you lead by example.
—you support the poor, the sick, the needy, the uneducated, the unfortunate, everyone whom you can help.
—you invest in the public good, in education, in health, in infrastructure, in food security, in sustainability, with no vain or selfish expectation.
—you work to make sure there’s better income and wealth distribution (and less income and wealth inequality).
—you look for more ways to take responsibility and raise everyone’s quality of life.