210 private links
Le web 0/1 (hébergé par soi-même sur un serveur) a besoin de temps et de compétence
Le web 2 (plateformes de service) échange la vie privée
The web 3 allows to create content at the condition to insert it in a blockchain, so you have to pay for it first. So it has de facto a first barrier of creation or publication.
So the ones more able to publish will be the ones with money they can spend on it.
This “new internet” that has been proposed, much to the disdain of software engineers worldwide, is one where anytime you upload a photo, save something, post a tweet or put something on YouTube, it costs money. Every time you write something to a blockchain with crypto, you need to pay the miners.
As NFTs can be duplicated, do the buyer spend a million dollars for the monky or for the record on the blockchain?
Anyone can write anything on the blockchain if you’ve paid the miners.
And because the blockchain is append-only, how do you comply with law?