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203 private links
203 private links
Using an object model helps while designing some web pages or content.
An object in a web project is something that has structure, instances, and purpose. Instances are all the specific occurrences of an object.
An instance of the object link can be "When to choose a progressive web app".
So, as we make our user experiences more object-oriented, we also make them more intuitive.” - Sophia Prater, ooux.com.
With this practice, 4 unintuitive objects are identified. The author use the example of a zoo website and they are:
- isolated objects: they are disconnected from related objects. The penguin animals are not related to the demos and habitat from the list of all the animals. The habitat is also included on the map view of the zoo, but there are no links to the Animal or the demo on this map view either.
- broken objects: ones that are not directly manipulatable. Demos are useful to show events to the user. As someone who would like to attend the penguin demo, I want to click on an individual demo to see more details, but it is not possible.
- masked objects: styled to look the same, but are actually different. On the DisneyPlus web view, there is no way to differentiate between a series or a movie. As you want to see a movie (one shot) instead of a series (multiple shots), you have to check on the detailed view in a panel.
- shapeshifter objects: opposite of masked ones, they are styled to look different, but are actually the same. Date formatting, links, and so on should look and behave the same across the website or the experience platform. They have to be consistent.