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This journalist has shown that bogus scientific studies can be picked up uncritically in the media. So he set up bogus studies with real protocols, the results are perfectly dubious, but he was able to spin it very easily, and the information was picked up by a great many media.
We landed big fish before we even knew they were biting. Bild rushed their story out. [...] Soon we were in the Daily Star, the Irish Examiner, Cosmopolitan’s German website, the Times of India, both the German and Indian site of the Huffington Post, and even television news in Texas and an Australian morning talk show.
Almost no one asked how many subjects we tested and no one reported that number.
And his "Institute of Diet and Health" which published the study was... just a website.
But it’s hard to focus attention on the science of obesity, he says. “There’s just so much noise.”
The only problem with the diet science beat is that it’s science. You have to know how to read a scientific paper—and actually bother to do it.