Daily Shaarli

All links of one day in a single page.

October 19, 2024

Madame Mollette : « Martinique Vie chèreGladys Roger du RPPACLa leç… » - Piaille

Martinique Vie chère
Gladys Roger du RPPAC
La leçon ! (et la ligne de chemises cravate en face)
via Caisses de grève

Bit shifting to increase performance - DEV Community

Similar to https://shaarli.lyokolux.space/shaare/xwiTHQ

Bit operators are the fastest, then static array, then dynamic arrays.

Objects are heavy in comparison.

Sensible SQLite defaults - DEV Community
PRAGMA journal_mode = WAL;
PRAGMA synchronous = NORMAL;
PRAGMA busy_timeout = 5000;
PRAGMA cache_size = -20000;
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON;
PRAGMA temp_store = MEMORY;
PRAGMA mmap_size = 2147483648;
PRAGMA page_size = 8192;
Why Rust is taking the data engineering world by storm

All the most-impactful projects in the data engineering world are now written in Rust. More than the classics fast, safe and high-level language and C interop. The author provides highlight on:

The TL;DR is that most organizations don't even have that much [big] data, a few hundreds GB to single-digit TB for the 98%

One server is enough. [The industry] is instead focusing on simpler solutions.

Rust provides reusability! "For example, Arroyo, Ballista, delta-rs, InfluxDB and many more all use the Apache DataFusion query engine."

This is a massive piece of engineering that they don't have to re-invent themselves and can instead benefit from a software package built and continuously improved by many organizations that have a vested and shared interest in making it great.

Accueil [Wiki CgX]

Un wiki personnel avec des sujets variés:

  • IT: Linux, Android, Hardware, Auto-hébergement, Logiciels
  • Cuisine
  • Code and programming
  • Texte et littérature
  • Administratif, Consommation, Internet
  • Musiques
  • Jeux
  • Traditions et patrimoine

(via https://sebsauvage.net/links/?Iel5gQ)

Announcing Rust 1.82.0 | Rust Blog
  • a new cargo info subcommand
  • macOS on 64-bit ARM is now Tier 1
  • mac Catalyst targets are now Tier 2
  • precise capturing use<..> syntax
  • native syntax for creating a raw pointer
  • Safe items with unsafe extern: make code safe inside unsafe

and more low-level stuffs

Note: Dé... - Shaarli ¦ Orangina Rouge

-* Faire, défaire

  • Nouer, dénouer
  • Jouer, déjouer
  • Penser, dépenser...
Pluralistic: You should be using an RSS reader (16 Oct 2024) – Pluralistic: Daily links from Cory Doctorow

RSS is a way to avoid enshittification

Baldir - Lire du code sous l‘influence de ses émotions

Les quatres manières de lire:

  • indexation
  • skimming
  • analyse
  • sémiologique

Concernant le code:

  • Ne pas attribuer à la malveillance ce que la bêtise peut expliquer ;
  • Ne pas attribuer à la stupidité ce qui est expliqué par le manque d'attention ;
  • Ne pas attribuer au manque d'attention ce qui peut être expliqué par un contexte non dit ;
  • Ne pas attribuer à un contexte non dit ce que le système autour de la personne peut expliquer ;
CSS min() All The Things — Smashing Magazine

TL;DR use fluid typography and now uses fluid sizes :)

75x faster: optimizing the Ion compiler backend | SpiderMonkey JavaScript/WebAssembly Engine

A incredible performance optimisation for WebAssembly in Firefox!

(via https://korben.info/firefox-accelere-execution-webassembly-75-fois.html)

For example, the compilation time of the WebAssembly module used by Adobe Photoshop online was reduced from 4 minutes to just 14 seconds. Similarly, a test module for the JetStream 2 benchmark saw its compilation time reduced from 2.8 seconds to 0.2 seconds.

OpenAI Is A Bad Business

OpenAI promises return on investment in 2029...

A company "that has no path to profitability,"

As I've said before, I believe there's also a subprime AI crisis brewing because OpenAI's API services — which lets people integrate its various models into external products — is currently priced at a loss, and increasing prices will likely make this product unsustainable for many businesses currently relying on these discounted rates.

As I've said before, OpenAI is unprofitable, unsustainable and untenable in its current form.

The author explains it in few points. See their breakdown on the revenue estimates.


And, if we're honest, it still isn't obvious why anyone should use ChatGPT in the first place, other than the fact everybody is talking about it.

This heavily-suggests that generative AI, as a technology, doesn’t necessarily have a product-market fit.

CSS { In Real Life } | I’ve Been Doing Blockquotes Wrong



content “must be quoted from another source”

Heydon rightly makes the distinction between block quotes, which (supposedly) quote another source, and pull-quotes, which highlight excerpts from the article you’re reading.

  1. No <cite> in <blockquote>

Heydon suggests using a <figure> and <figcaption> to invoke this grouping, which seems the most sensible option.

The <blockquote> cite attribute is generally useless since it’s invisible and most screen readers also ignore it

  1. For inline (or “text-level”) quotations, there is <q> instead.

  2. HTML is hard

But the developers have no consequences on that.

Intel accusé par la Chine de mettre des backdoors pour le compte de la NSA dans ses processeurs | Cybersécurité | Le site de Korben

Mais certains experts en sécurité ont exprimé récemment de fortes inquiétudes quant au fait que le ME [Management Engine des processeurs] pourrait cacher une porte dérobée, car il fonctionne indépendamment du système d’exploitation et a accès à la mémoire, au réseau et au matériel.

Korben revient sur l'historique de securité de Intel, avec plusieurs failles démontrées...

En plus des problèmes de sécurité, la CSAC critique la fiabilité des produits Intel et son attitude face aux plaintes des utilisateurs.

À suivre car la CSAC n'a encore publié aucune preuve, et qu'Intel n'a pas encore répondu.

Supercharge the One Person Framework with SQLite | Fractaled Mind

SQLite simplifies the overall architecture. That's why you would pick it with Rails.

This is because Rails, with 2 decades of battle-tested solutions extracted from production applications, provides unparalleled conceptual compression, while SQLite, with its single file database and embedded executable, provides truly unique operational compression.

Le quishing - L'escroquerie au QR Code qui pourrait vous coûter cher | Cybersécurité | Le site de Korben

L’hameçonnage par QR code est référencé par cybermalveillance.gouv.fr https://www.cybermalveillance.gouv.fr/tous-nos-contenus/actualites/quishing-hameconnage-qr-code

Cela s'est passé en Irlande et va donc arriver en France.

Metric prefix - Wikipedia

The table makes things easier to learn.

We see a change of units after 1795: the order of magnitude per unit becomes 10^3 instead of 10^1.