Daily Shaarli

All links of one day in a single page.

September 13, 2024

Rust error handling is perfect actually — Bitfield Consulting
CSS display contents

Use cases for CSS display contents: ungrouping elements

  • styling generated HTML
  • conditional (header) layout
  • remove a container
  • a grid of photos
  • alternating columns
  • quote
  • footer layouts
  • subgrid alternative

CSS display: contents is known to cause accessbility issues when used with HTML tables, headings, buttons, and lists

Also what about the tabbing order?

What comes after open source

The Open Source ideology is misused by companies: its ideology concerns production (similarly to FLOSS). You contribute to the software back.

Copyleft can force an absolute minimal “contribution” back to your project, but it can’t force a good-faith one. This makes it an inadequate tool towards building something with the kinds of values that many developers care about.

But I do think I’ve properly identified the problem: many developers conceive of software freedom as something larger than purely a license that kinds in on redistribution. This is the new frontier for those who are thinking about furthering the goals of the free software and open source movements. Our old tools are inadequate, and I’m not sure that the needed replacements work, or even exist.

Ecrire des Extensions Postgres en Rust
Angular et les signals
Whatever It Is, I Probably Don’t Need It

Not owning things is a privilege.

It is a privilege to say: “I don’t need a spare in case of emergency.”

It is a privilege to say: “I know I won’t need this in the future.”

And it is a privilege to afford quality products that will last you close to a lifetime instead of having to re-buy stuff.

and the author lifestyle that is better (without the current minimalism "trend").

In my experience, less things also means less distractions, less need for space and less complications.

100% true from my experience.

It’s about contentment, sure. But I also think it’s about knowledge and culture — knowing what you don’t need and what you can get out of life for less.

Why Copilot is Making Programmers Worse at Programming · The Angry Dev

The downside of AI for programming:

  • Erosion of Core Programming Skills
  • Over-Reliance on Auto-Generated Code
  • Lack of Ownership and Responsibility
  • Reduced Learning Opportunities
  • Narrowed Creative Thinking
  • Dependency on Proprietary Tools
  • false sense of expertise
Données de santé : sanction de 800 000 euros à l’encontre de la société CEGEDIM SANTÉ | CNIL

Pour ces deux manquements, la formation restreinte a prononcé une amende de 800 000 euros à l’encontre de la société CEGEDIM SANTÉ.

Angular v18 is now available!. Today we are excited to share the next… | by Minko Gechev | Angular Blog

Signals, Zoneless, Material 3, ...

The Small Internet has Already Succeeded

We simply have to recognize 3 things:

  1. First, if we do not continue to work to change the Internet, we really will have only two choices: the corporate salad or nothing.
  2. Second, the control of the Internet is ultimately in our hands, [... corporations] do not have the power to lock down the Internet to prevent us from going wherever we like, unless we believe their lie that our only two options are to eat their salad or leave.
  3. Third, each of us must banish the idea from his mind that he has failed if he creates a website and millions of people don't flock to it. That is corporate thinking, and it has no place on the small web.

Ideally, a personal website should be thought of as a gift to all Internet users.

Corporate search engines will almost never take you to a personal website unless you are either very lucky or you already know it exists. If you already know a website exists, you don't need a search engine to find it. This means only those who are motivated and know how to look will find what they are looking for on the small Internet.

It has a links to specific search engines.

For those who are not technically inclined, sites like these make starting your first blog easy: Bear Blog (free), Nekoweb (free), Mataroa (free or $9/yr for premium), and Write.as ($6/month).