Daily Shaarli
September 7, 2024
This might be one of the unavoidable side quests if you are trying to tenaciously make a living from working on (and only on) open source. More than a year ago I wrote a blog post detailing my motivation for the things I have been doing and having a "grindset".
sharing, engaging with the community, enjoy programming again
The authors propose
pw;dr - paywall; didn't read
ai;dr - ai, didn't read
If it's ok for OpenAI, then it is ok for the rest. Maybe it is not.
The question is: why should I buy something while OpenAI use it for free? Where do you draw the lines? Is piracy now fair? What's the difference between OpenAI and piracy?
Why 2D maps are always incorrect because of elevation: they have to do some approximations.
Plus de données disponibles!
L'accueil du site: https://www.opendatarchives.fr/
Les mesures prises par l'éducation nationale sont les pires possibles selon un meta-analyse
Tiré du diaporama https://slideplayer.com/amp/17031201/, de l'Education Endwoment Foundation.
Les mesures les plus impactantes positivement sont aussi listées.
All games run in the browser.
Le commentaire du hollandais volant à ce sujet est plus que pertinent: https://lehollandaisvolant.net/?id=20240905053634
L'article original de 404Media https://www.tweaktown.com/news/100282/facebook-partner-admits-smartphone-microphones-listen-to-people-talk-serve-better-ads/index.html
Another commentary of the consequences of that article: https://futurism.com/the-byte/facebook-partner-phones-listening-microphone
le géoblocage d'un serveur public est totalement contraire à l'esprit d'internet et c'est préjudiciable aux internautes.
(fichiers datant du 12 septembre 2018)
Photo de pancarte :
À vendre : carte électorale d'occasion (bon état)
Motif : je m'en sers mais ça marche pas :/
The comparison are pertinent. It compares the following topics:
- Gender
- Creativity
- Sustainability
- Trends
A rust web app framework similar to Rails
- unsystematic
- valid
- semantic
- accessible
- required-only
- hyper-optimized