Daily Shaarli

All links of one day in a single page.

September 6, 2024

twolodzko/rusch: Minimal Scheme implemented in Rust

A partial lisp-implementation in Rust.

I’m a bit biased, but IMHO writing a minimal lisp interpreter is a great project to learn a great variety of features of any programming language.

Blog Stéphane Bortzmeyer: Des services de DNS secondaires gratuits
Snapchat se cherche de nouveaux leviers publicitaires - Next

Snapchat testera bientôt l’intégration de publicités dans l’espace de son interface dévolu aux conversations entre amis. Evan Spiegel, son CEO, justifie cette décision par la nécessité de trouver de nouveaux leviers pour soutenir la croissance de l’entreprise. Il illustre dans le même temps la course à la performance publicitaire dans laquelle sont engagés les grands réseaux sociaux.

Hot take as the enshitiffication of snapchat begins: let's create an encrypted network similar to snapchat. The message recieved gets deleted once read. It means few storage compared to other social networks. A similar usage can be found with Signal. Signal allows it with the conversation settings.

Diagram Website – An internet map
Calendar Versioning — CalVer

CalVer is a versioning convention based on your project's release calendar, instead of arbitrary numbers.

Had to deal with an … | Leon Mika

A field could have 0 or more string items.
Two or more items, the field is an array.
One item the field is set to a single string.
Zero items, the field i not set at all.

Avoid that: pass an array and call it a day

L’EPR devient le 57ème réacteur du parc nucléaire français | EDF FR

(via https://lehollandaisvolant.net/?id=20240903192331)

ON note que l'EPR de Flamanville a du retard... mais comme ici, le délai est du à des autorisations...

1 600 MWe à la fin de l'année.

Be Simple | Matthias Endler

Totally agree.

I keep my life simple because I know my time is limited. Time and health are my best proxies for happiness.


Mostly by saying no.

No streaming subscriptions. No gym memberships. No Instagram and TikTok. 6 years old shoes and wardrobe. No meetings if possible. No commute; I work remotely. No property; I'm a happy tenant. No trips. No great home cinema setup. Limited tooling on the computer. No notion or Obsidian if a text file + git is enough.

On the other side, relying on reddit or HN for comments is exclusive.

Simple means focused.

Yes, there’s a creative process and they allow themselves to be creative, but they do so in a very constrained environment: their office. While others chase trends, they do the thing they’re always doing.