Daily Shaarli

All links of one day in a single page.

September 4, 2024

Is My Blue Your Blue?

Where is the line between blue and green?

A Short History of "Resource" - Design Issues

At the beginning of the century, people played around and gave all kinds of things URIs like "http://example.com/foo.rdf#color".

for one reason or another people demanded the right to be able to use http://example.net/people/Pat to denote Pat rather than a web page about Pat.

The term Resource is indeed enough for REST, but other use cases such as RDF already reserved Resource for something different.

in fact in RDF the resource was allowed to be anything at all. A class, rdf:Resource even used the term as the universal class of all things.

Meg: "Fundamentally the reason rust is such a big deal …" - Treehouse Mastodon

Rust is the first language in a long tome being able to compete with C or C++.

Rust also built a market around it. Orner languages of the same category did not.

Compare the Assembly Generated for Static vs Dynamic Dispatch in Rust
What do HTTP URIs Identify? - Design Issues

The W3C Technical Architecture group eventually decided to resolve the architectural problem that if an HTTP response code of 200 (a successful retrieval) was given, that indicated that the URI indeed was for an information resource, but with no such response, or with a different code, no such assumption could be made.