Daily Shaarli

All links of one day in a single page.

September 3, 2024

A note on estimated reading times – Baldur Bjarnason

A more general approach, more suitable for link blogs so inclined, would be to use word count with a note on writing style. Something like “850 words, fluffy, no long words” or “850 words, tech jargon, complex sentences” would be much more useful than the “3 minutes” that most default today


Writing Month is coming soon

Currently, we're envisioning:

  • Novel Writing Month - 50,000 words
  • Novella Writing Month - 20,000 words
  • Short Story Writing Month - 5 stories of at least 2,000 words each
  • Poetry Writing Month - 1 poem per day
  • Blog Post Writing Month - 1 blog post per day
  • Graphic Novel Writing Month (maybe?) - a 50-page graphic novel
  • …or, of course, a custom goal.
Indieweb Vs Indie Web - fyr.io

IndieWeb for tech savvy and developers. A technical knowledge is needed.

Indie Web refers to the non-corporate or non-commercial web.

We could find better names: "human web" or the "people net".

There are initiatives derived from the IndieWeb: The Slow Web, The Smol Web.

What do HTTP URIs Identify? - Design Issues
Webizing existing systems - Design Issues

Webize 😃

How to defend good code - Code with Jason
JPEG XL - Wikipedia
Cyberattaque en cours contre l’université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne - Next

isometric icons under CC BY 4.0.

Thanks to the author!

Announcing Vue 3.5 | The Vue Point

Nice improvements as always. I am not full-in in Vue anymore, but I still enjoy it

Wisst ihr noch? Als die Bahn einen Administrator für eine 30 Jahre alte Windows-Version suchte