200 private links
While using Vite, the vite paths configuration can support the typescript aliases with the plugin vite-tsconfig-paths
A way to render the highlighted blocks (Tip, Note, Important, Warning, Caution) following the proposal of https://github.com/orgs/community/discussions/16925
The plan is to import the dependencies from package.json and modify the rollup output chunks to split each dependency from the vendor bundle. A vendor array should be there with the boot dependencies.
A nice explanation of vite
Always a way to optimize the startup time of vite :D
Vite can transform some files before the first request, increasing the speed of the first possible interaction.
It could also be integrated to Vite core as Evan You is in favor of it https://twitter.com/youyuxi/status/1641402565631025152
A organization about useful vite projects. It does not seems very maintained though.
Clicking any .html files will be compiled by vite (vited?). So, rather than manually type in the paths to all your inputs, this will list all your files so you can click them with ease. Like the good 'ol Index Of / days.
A simple plugin :)
I will check vue plugin system sometime, because it seems powerful in order to improve DX.
Laravel suit l'évolution et peut être utilisé avec Vite. Ici un exemple en intégrant Boostrap.