201 private links
You got some points
Official PPA:
add-apt-repository ppa:phoerious/keepassxc
apt update
apt install keepassxc
Working with workspaces is confortable. Especially when the workspaces can be set in a grid instead of a row with the workspace matrix GNOME extension!
How to hide desktop icons on ubuntu (on 21.04):
sudo apt install gnome-shell-extension-prefs
Deactivate Desktop Icons NG (DING)
Older methods does not seems to work (gnome tweak tools, etc...).
An exploit explained
To have multiple customizable workspaces on ubuntu
Whoops. That was my problem on Ubuntu 20.04 🤔
Tested after set up on a [live USB] and it works ^^
Python 3.8, php 7.4 (et ses améliorations de performance), de l'optimisation de performance, plus de fluidité, bien tout ça !
That's a good news for this distribution :)
Le chemin n'existait pas sur le serveur apache2.
Il suffit de rajouter la ligne : Include /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf
dans le fichier de conf du serveur apache (dans ce cas : /etc/apache2/apache2.conf).
Plutôt cool.
J'en profite pour en apprendre : Qu'est-ce que ZFS