173 private links
Tips and guideline about writing your own API in rust.
Si vous voulez une réparation très rapide et très solide de quoi que ce soit que vous êtes en train de réparer à la colle : utilisez du fil de coton ou même du coton sous forme de ouate. Ensuite, imbibez ça de superglu et laissez durcir. La réparation sera dure comme la pierre.
Les matériaux composites sont donc excellents: un dire mais cassant et l'autre souple mais résistant. L'exemple le plus courant est le béton armé, comme le verre feuilleté.
Tips du jour: dans Firefox, il y a le raccourci clavier «'» (quote simple, touche 4 du clavier). Ça ouvre un menu de recherche rapide de lien dans la page. On tape du texte, ça cherche les liens qui contiennent ce libellé, et il suffit de valider pour suivre le lien. Ça permet une navigation rapide sans quitter le clavier des mains !
Media queries can be nested in css classes and that's awesome!
Enforce the type of the column. Well I didn't know it was possible to insert every types into one column :D
Check what changed on a web content or API
Do Make a Schema
Do Flatten the Structure
Do Output JSON Lines for Streaming Output
Do Use Predictable Key Names
Do Pretty Print with Two Spaces or Don’t Format at All
Avoid special characters in key names
Avoid duplicate keys
Avoid very large numbers
Ces portefeuille sont très compact et tiennent plusieurs années.
Le matériau est du Tyvek, un textile fin et non tissé.
Il est possible d'en trouver sur https://www.etsy.com/fr/market/tyvek_wallet par exemple. À voir.
However, most of the content being produced is not to make you better, it is solely to convince you there is a hack to ‘success’ and to attain it you just need to do this one thing. [...]
The fact that people believe there is a hack to everything is really the issue. Everyone wants a quick, easy fix. [...]
There might be ways that appear shorter, or might shave some time off sometimes in very specific circumstances, but they simply don’t exist. They can’t exist. Otherwise, they would just be ‘the way’.
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- margarine, ou les céréales listées
- eau
Pas de pain
Press CTRL or CMD + click or press the link. You then have the choice: open it in the same tab or in a new tab.
- Just sit in silence
- Apply constraints. Shorten the goals if it is hard to write.
- What did I learned today?
- Find a previous post you disagree or want to enrich. Write about why. Use an old post and update wit h your current experience
- Take a quote you love, or hate, and write about the why's. Backup the reasoning with evidence.
- You probably answer questions from email, IMs, DMs, work, etc... Post the most common answers.
- Write about your mistake
- Make a link post, and explain why
- Help others
Email has superpowers, one of which is unique subject lines. What I should have done is broken up the email into three separate ones, with different subject lines, each tailored to my desired outcomes.
- Subject: Come visit my new place. Why I moved.
- Subject: My availability reduced until February 10
- Subject: New Address – Keep for reference and update your Contact for me.
This allows each recipient to ignore or archive each topic if not relevant or interesting to them, or to keep the actionable ones. It also not-so-subtly puts my desired outcome into their subconscious. It requires almost no additional work on my part to send three emails versus sending only one.
It is better to have small emails than bigger, so one email for each topic.
La démarche recommandée par Free est compliqué. Freebox-news montre l'alternative (obligatoire légalement).