187 private links
Great advices
It is much easier to add features to reliable software, than it is to add reliability to featureful software.
Besides, it’s very easy to accidentally think you need features that you don’t actually need.
Write serialized test scenarios
Storing UTC events loses the timezone information.
What happens if the event changes its location timezone?
What happens if the new DST rule changes?
So what to do? Store the original user's intent! Maybe derive the timezone from the location in some cases. Then store the UTC time of that event and store that as well.
Note: timezone UIs suck generally. One option is available between a lot, and the name is not always clear...
Full of good advices.
(in the context of big tech companies)
the priority of a project is to ship!
But it’s really important that one person on the project has an end-to-end understanding of the whole thing: how it hangs together technically, and what product or business purpose it serves.
You only know you’ve shipped when your company’s leadership acknowledge you’ve shipped.
you have to get clear on what the company is looking to get out of the project. [...] Align your work and communication accordingly!
Second, no matter the project goal, your leadership team will always have basically zero technical context about the project. They will rely on you for estimates, to answer technical questions, and to anticipate technical problems. Maintaining that trust should be your top priority.
- track record of having shipped in the past.
- project confidence
- project competence
- communicate professionally and concisely. Share updates.
Then getting to production! Often a key detail is missing. Sometimes the user documents are stored in memcached and are MB large, or the data stored are unexpectedly sensitive legally sensible.
Can we ship right now?
Bring up the feature to as many eyes as possible!
If you want to ship, you need to do the exact opposite: you need to deploy as much as you can as early as possible, and you need to do the scariest changes as early as you can possibly do them.
Quelques moyens de réduire sa consommation.
[Message de service] Quand vous avez une difficulté avec l'administration (Pôle Emploi/CAF/Impôts/etc.) :
- courrier recommandé s'il n'y a pas de base légale (AKA : l'article de loi/le décret/la circulaire, bref le fondement juridique) ;
- faites toujours par écrit (email ça marche aussi) ;
- si les mecs en face persistent : courrier recommandé avec indication qu'en cas d'échec, vous saisissez le médiateur compétent.
Je vous promets que ça calme.
When you can, avoid number-only date formats. Sighted users could be confused on whether the first number is the month or day. If you've incorrectly designated your document's language, screen reader users might hear the wrong date. Writing out the month prevents this confusion.
Tips and guideline about writing your own API in rust.
Si vous voulez une réparation très rapide et très solide de quoi que ce soit que vous êtes en train de réparer à la colle : utilisez du fil de coton ou même du coton sous forme de ouate. Ensuite, imbibez ça de superglu et laissez durcir. La réparation sera dure comme la pierre.
Les matériaux composites sont donc excellents: un dire mais cassant et l'autre souple mais résistant. L'exemple le plus courant est le béton armé, comme le verre feuilleté.
Tips du jour: dans Firefox, il y a le raccourci clavier «'» (quote simple, touche 4 du clavier). Ça ouvre un menu de recherche rapide de lien dans la page. On tape du texte, ça cherche les liens qui contiennent ce libellé, et il suffit de valider pour suivre le lien. Ça permet une navigation rapide sans quitter le clavier des mains !
Media queries can be nested in css classes and that's awesome!
Enforce the type of the column. Well I didn't know it was possible to insert every types into one column :D
Check what changed on a web content or API
Do Make a Schema
Do Flatten the Structure
Do Output JSON Lines for Streaming Output
Do Use Predictable Key Names
Do Pretty Print with Two Spaces or Don’t Format at All
Avoid special characters in key names
Avoid duplicate keys
Avoid very large numbers
Ces portefeuille sont très compact et tiennent plusieurs années.
Le matériau est du Tyvek, un textile fin et non tissé.
Il est possible d'en trouver sur https://www.etsy.com/fr/market/tyvek_wallet par exemple. À voir.