201 private links
Il y a maintenant une offre B&You Pure fibre.
À la suite, Free lance l'offre Veepee à 19.99€.
L'offre Red Box de SFR passe à 23.99€.
The .io should disappear in 4 or 5 years. Each TLD has its own rule!
In addition to the content of web pages, it's important to record how this digitized content is constructed and served. The HTTP Archive provides this record. It is a permanent repository of web performance information such as size of pages, failed requests, and technologies utilized. This performance information allows us to see trends in how the Web is built and provides a common data set from which to conduct web performance research.
ICMP packets with "LOVE" in ASCII.
TCP packets with different window sizes.
This strange traffic mimics legitimate data streams, and while it's not known if it's malicious, its true purpose remains a mystery.
Platform of username trading
le géoblocage d'un serveur public est totalement contraire à l'esprit d'internet et c'est préjudiciable aux internautes.
Ok Tailscale, let's see
Great FAQ 😄
A well written post full of links.
En 2015, une étude commandée par la fondation Mozilla (Firefox) concluait que la pub représentait alors en moyenne 39% du poids d'une page web et 44 % du temps de chargement.
Le document en question: https://www.ieee-security.org/TC/SPW2015/W2SP/papers/W2SP_2015_submission_32.pdf
A criticism of the current state of Internet and the web, against corporations on the web.
"Enshitification" and examples of deteriorating services
De l'Arcep avec des données de 2022, publié en 2024.
Je reprends une des informations qu'a noté LeHollandaisVolant:
Autre enseignement : la consommation électrique des box internet ne dépend que très peu de leur sollicitation ou de l’importance du trafic de données. 95 % de cette consommation est invariable, que la box soit ou non sollicitée par l’utilisateur.
Une offre d'abonnement Internet, juste Internet pour 44€. C'est bien la seule que je connaisse qui ne vient pas avec un bouquet de services comme la téléphonie ou la TV.
What are the life and breath of the web?
- Simplicity: keep it simple, stupid!
- Modular design: read https://www.w3.org/DesignIssues/Modularity.html later
It is also necessary to realize that your own system, no matter how big and wonderful it seems now, should always be designed to be a part of another larger system.
Tolerance: this principle can be contentious. When browsers are lax about what they expect, the system works better but also it encourages laxness on the part of web page writers.
Decentralization: if we make a knowledge representation system which requires anyone who uses the concept of "automobile" to use the term "http://www.kr.org/stds/industry/automobile" then we restrict the set of uses of the system to those for whom this particular formulation of what an automobile is works.
Test of Independent Invention: designing a system to be a part of an as-yet unspecified larger system
Principle of Least Power: The reason for this is that the less powerful the language, the more you can do with the data stored in that language. The Semantic Web is an attempt, largely, to map large quantities of existing data onto a common language so that the data can be analyzed in ways never dreamed of by its creators.
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