200 private links
Pour lecture ultérieure
Découverte d'alternatives libres et d'outils de protection contre le pistage facile à installer.
HTML isn’t only for people working in the tech field. It’s for anybody, the way documents are for anybody. HTML is just another type of document. A very special one—the one the web is built on.
Resources and more about HTML for People: https://htmlforpeople.com/achievement-unlocked-hypertexter/#resources-from-this-book
Use cases for :has
.xy-pad:has(.handle:active), .xy-pad:has(.handle:focus-visible)
- We can use :has as a sort of global event listener:
- JS-free darkmode:
p:has(+ figure)
: with :has, we can style one element based on another element in a totally different container! See the cool code playground that highlights
can be powerful to replace JS with HTML semantics.
Ce guide est destiné à informer et conseiller les syndics bénévoles ou futurs
syndics. L’Anah (Agence nationale de l'habitat), l’Anil (Agence nationale pour
l’information sur le logement) et la CLCV (Consommation, Logement et Cadre
de Vie) ont souhaité vous apporter les clefs de vos missions via ce guide.
Il sera régulièrement complété et mis à jour
This is a crash course in the Rust programming language. It's written with a specific audience in mind: software engineers who know how to program in a high-level language but aren't familiar with lower-level programming and want to learn to write Rust quickly.
An awesome guide about the newtypes pattern. Great writing btw!
The Mozilla Documentation Network published a curriculum to become a frontend developer.
It seems to contain relevant resources, also for confirmed developers.
This cookbook is intended for new Rust programmers, so that they may quickly get an overview of the capabilities of the Rust crate ecosystem. It is also intended for experienced Rust programmers, who should find in the recipes an easy reminder of how to accomplish common tasks.