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Diagram titled 'Possible causes of your problems'. On the left hand side, subtitled 'Yes': Funding removed from local councils, growing gap between rich and poor, multinational companies not paying their taxes, lack of new affordable housing, government not investing sufficiently in schools and healthcare. On the right hand side, subtitled 'No': Picture of small boat, with arrow; 'People fleeing horrific situations that you and I can't imagine'.
I'm a therapist and I've been watching this video on a loop for an hour
LMAO and so sad at the same time.
Public and private investors, along with the markets themselves, have become entirely decoupled from the concept of what “good” business truly is, focusing on one metric — one truly noxious metric — over all else: growth.
How the valuation of Meta is decorrelated to some facts such as opt-in of user data in Europe.
Uber accused a loss of 1.21 billion, but the stocks is up 5% (as time of writing). Uber loses money since 15 years... "This is why we see such vast oscillations of hiring and firing - because these companies are never, ever punished for failing to operate their businesses in a sustainable way, or even with a view for the futur"
and more examples.
"Everything ventured, nothing gained"
and the argumentation goes on
I’ve recently decided to stop reading The Conversation, after two consecutive posts were openly accusing Europe’s investors of not doing enough to be more like Silicon Valley. I’m seriously confused: how can anyone really believe, in 2024, that their business model is anything close to being sustainable? The mental slavery that parts of Europe still seems to be having towards the rot economy fuelled by a type of capitalism not integral to the continent is truly bewildering.
A move of Paramount Global.
Let’s start with something controversial: Capitalism is not an economic system. It is a philosophical and ideological force that shapes our lives, environment, and perception of humanity.
It’s a behemoth that thrives on relentless growth, often at a devastating cost. Under its reign, we witness the widening chasm of inequality, where the affluent soar on the wings of wealth while the less fortunate are left to the whims of an unforgiving market.
Our planet, the cradle of life itself, is treated as a commodity, its resources extracted with reckless abandon, its delicate ecosystems pushed to the brink for profit.
– Joan Westenberg, How to quit capitalism
It's because after objectively examining the incentives and outcomes, fintech as an industry categorically fails to deliver meaningful progress to consumers. [...] It's about our obligations to each other and our duty to leave the world more equitable than we found it. Fintech, in its current form, categorically fails that duty.
Statistiquement, vous avew plus de chance de mettre fin au capitalisme (et accessoirement de sauver le monde) que de gagner à l'euromillion. Ça se tente. Plus on est à participer, plus vous avez de chance de gagner.
Advantages of apps over websites:
- Gobbling data: an app does not get its request blocked as a website does.
- Making money: This one applies more to indie developers than to big companies but I'm sure people are more willing to pay for an app than access to a website.
- people want app: Think about that for a second: people want to download an app to track deliveries of their white goods, something which most people order at most once a year.
Capitalism was aware of the Y2K bug and took action even if it costs millions.
This is because my colleagues and my friends and I had been engaged in a multi-billion dollar, multi-year, multi-million person, quasi-coordinated project to fix the problem.
There are two obstacles to climate change to follow the same path though:
Responsibility for climate change is sparse and does not benefit an actor in particular if one makes some effort.
Capitalism's secondary tenet, short-termism, doesn't permit it to respond to non-specific risks, even if they're real, because that would require committing wealth to an effort from which 1-year or 5-year returns can't be measured in terms of greater wealth.
« Nous regrettons les conditions dans lesquelles se déroule cette assemblée générale », a déploré Patrick Pouyanné, PDG de Total.
Et nous regrettons les agissements de Total tout court.
Et nous avons l'actionnaire débile de l'année tant son commentaire est stupide:
« Ce sont des parasites, a fulminé un actionnaire poivre et sel, en costume, rencontré par Reporterre. Je n’ai pas honte de mes dividendes, je les mérite. Je suis le premier écologiste, mais le climat n’est que leur prétexte pour nous priver de liberté. Qu’ils ne viennent pas pleurnicher sur les violences policières. »
Je passes encore des réflexions des plus pertinentes.
It can be useful. The author of this idea is the CEO of Société Générale.
"Début janvier, cette entrepreneuse, qui vit entre Paris et Dubaï"
je me suis dit que le ruissellement est parti. Les JO pourrait ne pas profiter à la nation et la population?
Est-ce un cas particulier ou pouvons nous généraliser?
Le ruissellement économique. Cette idéologie encore à prouver...
Où sont passés les gains de productivité issus de la technologie numérique?
- à l'échelle internationale, on observe une augmentation des revenus du capital depuis 1980.
- cela n'est pas applicable en France.
- on ne voit pas les gains de productivité en macroéco. On les voit très bien en microéco. Exmple de Amazon et Wallmart: Amazon à un ratio de rendement au m2 7 fois supérieur à Wallmart, avant que cette société ne commence à s'adapter. Au niveau microéco, il y a de nombreuses hypothèses mais rien de confirmée.
- Une étude de l'UE suggère qu'avec plus de travailleurs dans le domaine informatique, le PIB augmenterait (1 million, 2% du PIB). L'étude doit encore être retrouvée