201 private links
As much as I hate online ads, they supported people to do the thing that they enjoyed as a profession — but that ability is now extremely rare. Bloggers are the ones that tell you this doesn’t matter. That they do it for themselves, not for the income. Writers, on the other hand, won’t bother if the juice isn’t worth the squeeze. Being a blogger means that writing online, even when your posts are scruffy and error-prone, is something you do for the enjoyment of it, and that’s the best place to be.
Daily blogging topics
Two types of blogs:
- Complex CMS
- Collection of static HTML files with one or two CSS files
The first one is used by everyone and only the second is used by software engineers. It should be the other way around.
I invite you all to help make the web more accessible, partially as a matter of taking pride in our craft, and partially because the web used to be more interesting when more of it was made by people different from us.
Owning one or multiple blogs. It all depends on the need. Leon Mika provides his usage, on the contrary of Kev Quirk in Why Have Multiple Blogs
Again just blog. Or don't after tried it.
They started a blog because they wanted a bunch of fast game prototype.
Why they continued?
- I enjoy writing
- Writing helps think more clearly and flesh out ideas.
- Publishing something forces me to do better.
- The blog is a place to document my personal projects.
- Looking at a log of things I’ve done makes me feel better.
- The blog project solves problems
- Become a better writer and as consequence a better developer
During the years, the posts have grown larger and more ambitious. The interests also changed, so are the posts.
I discovered it from https://lobste.rs/s/d1n9k6/kind_websites_i_like#c_w9zus8
Similar to bearblog.dev
How it is generated by AI: https://modem.io/blog/blog-monetization-making-of/
A share from another share
Instead of scanning my surroundings for something relatable to turn into a social media post, I pay attention to blog posts and articles I read on the web. I’m constantly looking for anything of relevance that triggers and sparks my thinking into jotting down whatever thoughts I may have to add to the conversation. — Social media brain
Another positive blog post about blogging :)
A kind of friendly partal privacy policy
D'un point de vue technique, il n'y a aucun avantage à publier sur les réseaux sociaux.
Showing the link to the mastodon conversation and the reactions can improve privacy and software efficiency. The webpage does not contain the conversations anymore but only the blog post, and a link to the related discussion.
Cool! 😃
A grateful post.
yes, the web as it is today is bad, but it can also be a beautiful and useful tool if used properly.
The website is great too!