217 private links
Après Apple, qui a supprimé la journée internationale des droits des femmes de son calendrier, c'est Google qui ne l’affiche également plus. Le géant du numérique avait déjà supprimé plusieurs événements à connotation politique de son calendrier le mois dernier.
Le journée internationale du droit des femmes quoi... Quelle niveau de fragilité ou de peur faut-il pour supprimer ces évènements?
Apple réfute mais paie néanmoins pour éviter que le sujet aille plus loin.
A feedback from an Apple enthusiast
There have already been many words written about the walled gardens of tech companies.
The reality is, for me at least, the premium I pay for the products I buy from Apple is a worthy exchange for the service I get. [...] The purchasing service and the after-sales support is unmatched.
In this way, the author is stuck because there are no other companies that offers this service.
Effectivement, cela se tient avec la technologie Apple Silicon: si les processus units sont les plus efficients du marché, alors ils sont prometteurs pour faire tourner de l'IA.
Apple livrerait donc l'IA en local; là où Microsoft ou OpenAI passe par le cloud.
« Les services de la CNIL ont constaté que sous l’ancienne version 14.6 de système d’exploitation de l’iPhone, lorsqu’un utilisateur se rendait sur l’App Store, des identifiants poursuivant plusieurs finalités, dont des finalités de personnalisation des annonces publicitaires diffusées sur l’App Store, étaient par défaut automatiquement lus sur le terminal sans recueil du consentement »
iPhone 14 calls 911 in roallercoasters...
Stop implementing features in devices that are not designed for it, please!
Otherwise, we can also find an opposite: it's "funny" that they detect accidents to call for help, but not that they detect driving to turn off the phone while driving.
Car la présentation de cette expression ne permet pas de conclure qu'elle a été utilisée comme une marque.
« c’est-à-dire conformément à leur fonction essentielle qui est de donner une indication de l’origine commerciale des produits concernés ».
If you’re an enterprising pedophile with a basement full of CSAM-tainted iPhones, Apple welcomes you to entirely exempt yourself from these scans by simply flipping the “Disable iCloud Photos” switch, a bypass which reveals that this system was never designed to protect children.
Ok so this whole system is built, but can so easily be bypassed? Did I miss something ?
Hum hum hum, bien joué !
So it's pretty funny:
Since older iPhones have batteries that don't hold up well anymore (the batteries are glued in, so you can't replace them yourself), Apple decided to slow down the phones by lowering the CPU frequency. The phones are less responsive, slower, but consume less battery.
In France, Apple took a lawsuit, lost it, and was forced to give the iPhone full performance.
As a result, all over the world, some iPhone users change the settings to "France" in order to have better performances.
EDIT: I've been told that since some versions of iOS, the setting is available. So no need to change for France: https://www.theverge.com/2018/2/7/16984234/how-to-iphone-throttling-ios-11-3
“%p%s%s%s%s%n” 🤔
The Wi-Fi subsystem probably passes the Wi-Fi network name (SSID) unsanitized to some internal library that is performing string formatting, which in turn causes an arbitrary memory write and buffer overflow. This will lead to memory corruption and the iOS watchdog will kill the process, hence effectively disabling Wi-Fi for the user.
Beyond "Apple really protects your privacy", there is the reality: Apple employees who shared private photos from a phone that was being repaired.
Note that this is not specific to Apple, since last year there was a pretty big scandal at one of the biggest computer repairers in the US: Employees were happily dipping into the private files of the computers they were entrusted with.
Quelle grosse surprise ! On le vois bien au quotidien que les GAFAM continuent d'agir en toute impunité.
Apple 11 Big Sur is not privacy compliant. The company reacted and has published some patches for it.
Anyway Apple can still block any program of their choice.