167 private links
Oups. Les mots de passes de 15 millions d'utilisateurs sont dans la nature.
The utility of captchas are contested. Even for the reCaptcha v3:
reCAPTCHA v3 has fared no better. In 2019, researchers devised a reinforcement learning attack that breaks reCAPTCHA v3's behavior-based challenges 97 percent of the time.
Only Google will be able to return results from Reddit.
So all https://goog.gl URL will be down after August 25th, 2025.
Another reason to switch to another browser
Google without AI: this is a wrapper around google. The query contains exactly &udm=14 to avoid AI.
VLC is not updated anymore on the Google store.
Google will no longer back up the Internet: Cached webpages won't exist anymore. See https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2024/02/google-search-kills-off-cached-webpages/.
The author put thoughts into caching webpages. Each link should have metadata associated to it: a favicon or an image, a description and the main language of the page.
They are already many projects for it.
Maybe some tools to remove these watermarks will be developed soon.
the company announced today it’s not going ahead with the proposed API.
See the first question heading of https://android-developers.googleblog.com/2023/11/increasing-trust-for-embedded-media.html?m=1
About a downfall of Google
Even if the subscribing form includes non-binary participant , advertisers have in contrast an "Unknown".
While Google doesn’t allow ads to exclude men or women from jobs, housing, or financial products, they did allow advertisers to exclude the “unknown” category, leaving those outside of the gender binary excluded as well.
Just the way this data gets labeled already shows how much of an afterthought gender diverse people were.
#idea #project: create many categories that fit better than male, female and "unknown". A better list?
If we don’t include and prioritize people from minoritized groups in our design and tech practices, we risk not only collecting incomplete or incorrect data, but also processing and using it in biased and harmful ways.
Achter des chromebooks qui s'arrêtent de fonctionner après 3 ans.
planned obsolescence is the right term for it.
A Google spokesman said the death dates have an important purpose: Chromebook laptops receive regular software updates — including for security — and older devices often cannot support the upgrades.
Yeah sure of course...
Rapport complet: https://publicinterestnetwork.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/PIRG-Chromebook-Churn-Full-Report-May-1.pdf
and in some, it make sense.
The error was to think every data given to a GAFAM is here forever.
un règlement record de 391,5 millions de dollars à une coalition de procureurs généraux de 40 États pour des accusations selon lesquelles la société aurait trompé les utilisateurs en leur faisant croire qu'ils avaient désactivé le suivi de localisation dans les paramètres de leur compte, alors même qu'elle continuait à collecter ces informations
Dark patterns 🍿