217 private links
The perfect prisma alternative?
Human feedbacks
Another link checker tool that supports recursion
Everything should be written in #Rust
, but not everything deserves it.And that’s when I reach for #Go
And in the end I get paid to write #JavaScript
and #PHP
First, you need to describe the intent of your code and give an overview of how it works both at a macro level (in the README / wiki) and at the micro level, by commenting functions, structures and packages. Document, document, document.
Second, give examples on how to use your code. Snippets that users can quickly copy/paste and "feel it". Even better, add comments with the expected output to your examples.
Three, write simple code.
A basic reimplementation of Redis. I like to use SQLite for it.
That's great to have such simple deployment. Maybe one for rust with such a script or command could be great too.
Or a bash script :)
Definitely worth. It's great to have high quality articles such as these.
Make an OPML to newsroll 😄
Fetch the website informations and create some cards out of it.
Uses folders to create categories.
There are a bunch of possibilities
Mann kann erst skalieren, dann optimieren, wenn es ein Drittels des Tages dauert. Der erste Prozess, um PDFs zu erzeugen, ist total innefizient. Es zeigt auch, dass Optimierungen der letzte Schritt des Produkts ist. Sie haben damit lange gelebt. Die Architektur ist eine gute Beispiel für horizontale Skalierung.
These are relevant arguments in favor of Go.
- Create construction zone where the result is affected to a variable
- Containing Side-Effects and Error-Handling (go)
- Restrincting variable lifetimes (rust)
A list of disavantages of golang
x15 write speed :D
How ?
With Queued Writes rqlite itself can now queue a set of received write-requests, internally batch them, and then write that batch to the Raft log as a single log entry. This is key — by putting more data in a single Raft log, all of those previously distinct requests now result in a single Raft transaction, reducing the number of network round trips to a minimum.
Implementation of the queue : https://github.com/rqlite/rqlite/tree/v7.5.0/queue
But for macOS only :/
Why not !
A blog with pertinent posts related to dev topics
Small but efficient post !
Rust is between C and C++, close to the c++.
Maybe programs contributed to the project as part of a concerted language advocacy and marketing strategy, benefit from more programmer hours spent on program optimization.
We don't know yet.