207 private links
for pretty print instead of debug default formatting. Nice!
That's a good project. Make it better
This can be fun: generate some HTML depending of a struct.
Note Rinja supports more feature and comes in ready to use.
A makefile with cargo
bon is a Rust crate for generating compile-time-checked builders for functions and structs.
Example of template with https://fosstodon.org/@orhun/112869522457979235.
Considering a rust crate: extract the documentation link, the repository project URL, associated tags, etc...
It could also check if such crate is referenced on popular lists such as Awesome Rust.
Handle clipboard operations
Read ahead of time of the safety bound of the kernel...
Rust checks are integrated in the kernel CI pipelines.
Discussion about adding Rust to the filesystem. It would be bindings first.
Shane Miller is Distinguished Advisor to the Rust Foundation, where she was the founding chair of the board of
Her key points are definitely relevant.
A great thing would be an implementation in #rust as a small #project #idea
See the page 38-45 computer science PDF of Andy Pavlo: https://15721.courses.cs.cmu.edu/spring2024/slides/05-execution2.pdf
An alternative to tar and efficient for bigger files.
But for linux documentation arx is 444 time quicker than tar (several hours).