182 private links
lets you supply two color values in either hex, short hex, RGB percentages, or RGB decimals, and then get as many as ten color shades between the two you supplied.
#idea #project: reimplement it with an attractive UI and more options :)
Current limitations of other color blenders:
- from ColorHexa → only hex unit is supported
- from colordesigner.io → does not provide a palette of colors
- of hexcolorblender → only hex unit is supported
- of colorkit.org → only hex unit is supported
- of Adobe color Contrast Analyzer → does not generate palette colors
Improvements on the one of meyerweb:
- smoother UI
- support more color unit
- prefer the defined HTML color listed on the w3schools HTML Color names web page
- provide a custom amount of color mixes with a default of 7 or 10.
- works offline once the page is loaded
- WCAG 2 compliant?
Other requirements compared to other online
- the tool loads instantly
- it is SEO friendly → it is a static page that can be save for offline usage :)
- contrast checker agains WCAG, BITV, RGAA, ...
A list of app to implement as developer
Développé par des passionés, l'interface est propre et soigné. Only 5GB needed. Update are available twice a month.
Lien du site de la distribution: https://massos.org/
#idea #project: improve their website
Still At least 8GB of free disk space in the system requirements :)
Une surcouche à https://recherche-ebook.fr/ afin de rechercher plus simplement les ebooks :)
C'est top et simple d'utilisation!
#idea #project: créer une alternative à recherche-ebook.fr ! Cela pourrait bien être une application web statique, récupérant les données par le client au lieu du serveur.
Create a tool to pulls stats from the git commit messages about gitmoji.
A small project to learn deno or rust :)
The list of websites to which the button redirects can be retrieved here.: https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/js/26bbcb8b54361103220c2c37464e688be712d14a/js/uselessweb.js
It turns out there is a project on Github: https://github.com/soops/the-useless-web
#idea #project make one such website extendable on github :)
Créer une sauvegarde selon un fichier de config dans le dossier concerné semble être une bien bonne idée ! 👍
L'outil est toujours maintenu (dernière version de 2022).
Lien de la documentation: https://autoarchive.sourceforge.io/doc/user/index.html
Create and check the outline of a webpage.
EDIT: Since this extension is not maintained anymore, it could be useful to improve it, fix some bugs if there is some and make it even better :)
En se basant sur A11y Outline, tester et valider cette structure de manière reproductible.
Avoir une extension plus propre et claire :D
Make it available for Linux !
Avec une interface web, catégories, etc...