206 private links
With zod https://zod.dev/
A Firefox extension to prevent sites from blocking copy/paste, for example :
- to prevent you from copying part of the text on a page.
- to prevent you from pasting your email address in the email confirmation field.
- to prevent you from pasting a password.
These templates are inspiring!
Source code: https://github.com/mmmmaharshi/image-compressor
A great project for lightbox
When a link is activated for a navigation, a POST request can be sent at the same time.
I didn't know it, and you can find a short explanation on MDN: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/a#ping
and how to batch to optimize DELETEs
The Nuxt, or the Next.js, or SvelteKit, or Solid Start of Angular
Facile à dire...
Should it become a standard layout?
Une argumentation suite au guide.
L’IA excelle dans l’automatisation des tâches fastidieuses et chronophages telles que la présentation des citations.
Mais il faut vérifier l'exactitude des sources bibliographiques.
ChatGPT peut vous aider à démarrer vos recherches
Toutes informations plus complexe que ce qui peut être trouvé sur un moteur de recherche doit toujours être recherché.
Mais n’oubliez pas : bien qu’il puisse vous orienter dans la bonne direction, ChatGPT ne remplace pas la lecture de sources primaires et d’articles évalués par des pairs. Et comme les modèles de langage peuvent générer des informations inexactes, vérifiez toujours vos faits.
and more.
As much as I hate online ads, they supported people to do the thing that they enjoyed as a profession — but that ability is now extremely rare. Bloggers are the ones that tell you this doesn’t matter. That they do it for themselves, not for the income. Writers, on the other hand, won’t bother if the juice isn’t worth the squeeze. Being a blogger means that writing online, even when your posts are scruffy and error-prone, is something you do for the enjoyment of it, and that’s the best place to be.