217 private links
- use
- selecting ranges of content
- selecting all the elements except the one I am interacting with
- using nesting to style an element depending on context
Crazy stuff here, that can be used to emphasize letters or chunk of text.
A collection of CSS shapes
It generates tokens for the css boilerplate, then it uses tailwind to generate utility classes.
Great step by step explanations to theming
Handy :)
magick.css is a minimalistic, (mostly) classless CSS framework that is designed to be easy to use and easy to understand. It is contained in a single file, and every choice is commented. The goal is to achieve an elegant, but magically playful look, while maximizing readability and the ability to convey information; somewhat akin to the notes of a wizard.
Style the parent based on how many children there is in it. Awesome!
It can be useful :)
- Writing mode
- Gap in flex or grid layouts
- Flip with transform
- scroll-behavior: smooth;
- Scroll-snapping with
for the container andscroll-snap-align
for the children - Resize elements both with
overflow: auto; resize: both;
- Line clamp based on how many lines is expected.
- Linear gradient and apply the gradient on text only
object-fit: cover
to avoid the fill effect of images. The image is not fully displayed thoughts.pointer-events: none;
make elements not selectable anymore.
Well I knew them 😁
The Mozilla Documentation Network published a curriculum to become a frontend developer.
It seems to contain relevant resources, also for confirmed developers.
How to apply css for RSS feeds
Maybe useful for later
How to fill the gap left by the GOAT css tricks?
Look, the dream goal is Piccalilli fills a hole that’s been left by Digital Ocean and their mis-handling of CSS-Tricks.
A great media query for example disabling custom fonts!
Project Wallace is a set of CSS analyzers that check your complexity, specificity, performance, Design Tokens and much more. And all of that in a single web app.
A list of triangle shapes that can be reused