196 private links
It corrects and cleans up HTML and XML documents by fixing markup errors and upgrading legacy code to modern standards.
Another tool to build a blog :)
Site Scout is a tool that can identify and report issues that are triggered in the wild. A URL or a collection of URLs must be provided. All results are collected and reported.
It is a modern and convenient replacement for both the Websocket API and the higher-level libraries and services relying on it.
Mercure is especially useful to add streaming and asynchronous capabilities to REST and GraphQL APIs. It is a thin layer on top of HTTP and SSE
Let's take a look at how to spin up a simple Node server and use custom elements as templates in three popular formats
As always it depends of the need.
Generate a static book from markdown sources
It seems to be the best package manager as it also includes a way to manage node versions.
It avoid to rely on both npm and nvm for example.
A simple server to create a webring
The state of the art CSS parser and minifier.
This tool is used by Mozilla for Firefox.
A template engine for HTML. It allows to build custom expression.
It is used by #FoundryVTT
To annotate accessibility features on mockups. Discovered from https://adhoc.team/2023/06/28/become-an-accessibility-champion-by-using-simple-mockup-annotations/
The Largest Collection of Free Stuff On The Internet!
(via https://fmhy.pages.dev/)
Testes si un site est compatible avec le RGPD en chargeant au minimum une page.
Lint Github workflow files