203 private links
Jon Gjengset always does great stuff
Nous savons maintenant d'où vient ce son
"In the realm of digital education, we can now confidently state and uphold that digital commons are the default horizon for projects supported and operated by the French Ministry of Education.
This means that the codes, data, and content we develop are primarily intended to be free, open, and interoperable.
For reasons of sovereignty, security, transparency, sustainability, cost control, and internalisation of skills."
Audran Le Baron, March 2024
- use
- selecting ranges of content
- selecting all the elements except the one I am interacting with
- using nesting to style an element depending on context
La dinum à un compte sur peertube
Virtual hugs from many people
- pg_trunk is a package manager for PostgresSQL databases.
- stored procedures allows to put logic into the postgres database
- extensions can generate JWT tokens, auth, ...
- caching with K/V stores: pg_cron & h_store
- pub/sub: PSQL notify/listen
- message queue with pgmg
- NoSQL databases are moving to support SQL (or mimic such a language)
- Time series with TimescaleDB
- Search terms with full-text search
- Rest API with PostgREST.
- Omnigres to create a complete platform
- Writing mode
- Gap in flex or grid layouts
- Flip with transform
- scroll-behavior: smooth;
- Scroll-snapping with
for the container andscroll-snap-align
for the children - Resize elements both with
overflow: auto; resize: both;
- Line clamp based on how many lines is expected.
- Linear gradient and apply the gradient on text only
object-fit: cover
to avoid the fill effect of images. The image is not fully displayed thoughts.pointer-events: none;
make elements not selectable anymore.
Well I knew them 😁
background-repeat: space
makes the background kind of responsive.
Legit on Hacktoberfest.
Lien de la conférence du commentaire https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_nT2AiMpmUo
is a good typography because it falls back on the system font (that is readable). It means 0 bandwidth cost.
Why emails is a mess? Because there are a lot of email service providers that does not follow the standard...
It explains the Writer monad and the Option monad.
This pattern is used for future or promise by the way.