203 private links
A future vision of the work.
- Leaders who determine Policy
- AI that gathers State from everywhere
- Everything is done according to SOPs
- SOPs are regularly updated
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Just do whatever interests you now. Don’t seek a story of purpose to guide or label your interests. [...] Focus on what fascinates you, even if it’s uncharacteristic. There is no purpose because there is no line connecting moments in time. There is no plot. You are not a story.
Wealth, feeling like you have plenty, is an equation.
A great feedback from a main Nuxt contributor about Open Source contribution
I think open source is a chance to step outside the normal producer-consumer dichotomy and enter the world of relationships. [...] is a chance to give and receive.
How to start contributing?
- If you are new to a project (as to a company), you have a priceless gift. You can see more clearly than people who are already there. You might be in a perfect position to challenge 'received wisdom.' 💡
- If you care about a project, then you are in the best position to make it better.
- Contributing to open source is a phenomenal way to grow.
About writing their own RSS script:
I learned new things and got satisfaction out of seeing them run correctly. I get nothing like that out of comparing apps and services.
the biggest advantage echoes what Dr. Drang says: Programming is often more fun than the alternative uses of my time.
Three reasons why time spent programming is well spent and joyful:
- Learning: for example the EmojiHomepage to learn VueJS; Altercamp Live to learn "Phoenix LiveView" and practice OTP knowledge.
- Control: the software does exactly what you want + from the self-built programs come the IKEA Effect
- Creativity: creating anything is a desire and practicing it always leads to joyful experiences. That includes anything - complex systems, simple scripts, an article posted online, a wooden box.
The Hacker news discussion about this post has many testimony: side effects of programming without clear goal first. https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=24564835
The form should be the following:
*links resources only from the same domain (same tld)
- no CDN / Captchas / geographical restrictions
- does not require JavaScript for main functions (including e.g. writing comments, registration or placing orders)
- works in text browsers like Lynx
- screenshots of whole page can be saved (no weird scrolling, fixed panels etc.)
- if I save the page as HTML, it can be viewed offline later (including all important assets)
- no tracking or affilate links
- no ad system, no aggressive adverts (moderate ones are acceptable, content:advert ratio should be somehow 90:10 or better)
- meaningful titles and links (not misleading and if I bookmark the page, I can find it by keyword later)
- images have alternative text and / or description
- cited or borrowed content from other authors has proper references
- links to downloadable files say also format and size, e.g. „technical documentation (PDF, 560 KiB, 84 pages)“
- all pages have a timestamp / date of creation and last change
- says who is the author (may be a pseudonyme) and what is the purpose of the website; something like impressum
- catalog of all pages or at least news are available as RSS/Atom/RDF machine-readable format
- no annoying cookie consents, newsletters, pop-ups, paywalls etc.
- generated content (AI and other) is clearly marked (if any) and differentiated from human-created content
- no automatically playing videos or sounds; no autoplay (unless explicitly turned on by the user)
Maybe I could share mine someday. #futureBilletDeBlog
Someone points out the dark nets and the need for optimized websites. Other list different arguments or ideas.
An ode to spreadsheets
[about the tech stack with k8s] the payoff feels abstract and are hard to quantify.
It's the same for OSS dependencies.
what if platforms like AWS or GitHub started splitting the check? By adding a line-item to the invoices of their customers to support Open Source finding.
For example, 3% ?
OSS projects have no governance and most of them are not ready to receive money though. How to distribute this tax too?
Another model is to pay depending of how many developer there are in the company.
The second step after recognizing the OSS funding issue is having a baseline funding amount.
mozilla's main problem right now appears to be they just do not recognise that they have pissed users' trust up a wall and now we are suspicious of everything they do.
you cannot, in a position like that, just do things which look dodgy as fuck and expect users to suck it up quietly, whether or not they are as they look.
Different definition of a UI component, from the minimalistic css one to the SSR full page.
Not owning things is a privilege.
It is a privilege to say: “I don’t need a spare in case of emergency.”
It is a privilege to say: “I know I won’t need this in the future.”
And it is a privilege to afford quality products that will last you close to a lifetime instead of having to re-buy stuff.
and the author lifestyle that is better (without the current minimalism "trend").
In my experience, less things also means less distractions, less need for space and less complications.
100% true from my experience.
It’s about contentment, sure. But I also think it’s about knowledge and culture — knowing what you don’t need and what you can get out of life for less.
We simply have to recognize 3 things:
- First, if we do not continue to work to change the Internet, we really will have only two choices: the corporate salad or nothing.
- Second, the control of the Internet is ultimately in our hands, [... corporations] do not have the power to lock down the Internet to prevent us from going wherever we like, unless we believe their lie that our only two options are to eat their salad or leave.
- Third, each of us must banish the idea from his mind that he has failed if he creates a website and millions of people don't flock to it. That is corporate thinking, and it has no place on the small web.
Ideally, a personal website should be thought of as a gift to all Internet users.
Corporate search engines will almost never take you to a personal website unless you are either very lucky or you already know it exists. If you already know a website exists, you don't need a search engine to find it. This means only those who are motivated and know how to look will find what they are looking for on the small Internet.
It has a links to specific search engines.
For those who are not technically inclined, sites like these make starting your first blog easy: Bear Blog (free), Nekoweb (free), Mataroa (free or $9/yr for premium), and Write.as ($6/month).
The Open Source ideology is misused by companies: its ideology concerns production (similarly to FLOSS). You contribute to the software back.
Copyleft can force an absolute minimal “contribution” back to your project, but it can’t force a good-faith one. This makes it an inadequate tool towards building something with the kinds of values that many developers care about.
But I do think I’ve properly identified the problem: many developers conceive of software freedom as something larger than purely a license that kinds in on redistribution. This is the new frontier for those who are thinking about furthering the goals of the free software and open source movements. Our old tools are inadequate, and I’m not sure that the needed replacements work, or even exist.
About C and C++ standards; their evolution and the apparition of Rust as an online open-source collaboration and cross-platform language. How Rust features go from idea to stable. What is the reference documentation of Rust?
While for many users, a specification would just be “nice to have”, there are also Rust users for whom such a specification is absolutely necessary to be able to use Rust for the field they work in.
It’s good that we, the Rust project itself, own the language and the process for making changes to it. We just need to get better at documenting it, and could use some help.
I’ll point out that the training data requires the wholesale harvesting of creative works without compensation.
I’ll also point out the ludicrously profligate energy use required not just for the training, but for the subsequent queries.
but "these things will get better!"... first there is no evidence. Second what the hell kind of logic is that?
IP and names in URLs can change. They will over time.
Tout écrivain, Saint-Exupéry le premier, vous le dira : l’art de l’écriture, c’est de supprimer, de trancher, de raccourcir le texte pour lui donner de la puissance.
Dans mon entourage, les gens l’utilisent pour envoyer des dossiers administratifs. Alors, est-ce utile ? Non, c’est juste que ces dossiers sont complètement cons, que personne ne va les lire et qu’on utilise des outils cons pour gérer des problèmes à la con qu’on se crée soi-même.
Un outil et non une solution:
Comme le dit la linguiste Emily M. Bender, on ne demande pas aux étudiants de faire des rédactions parce que le monde a besoin de rédactions. Mais pour apprendre aux élèves à structurer leurs pensées, à être critiques. Utiliser ChatGPT c’est, selon les mots de Ted Chiang, prendre un chariot élévateur à la salle de musculation. Oui, les poids vont faire des va-et-vient, mais va-t-on se muscler pour autant ?
aphorisme: « tout le monde peut écrire, l’écrivain est celui qui ne sait pas s’empêcher d’écrire »
Bruno Leyval dessine tous les jours depuis qu’il est tout petit. Il dessine tout le temps. Il s’est transformé en machine à dessiner. Cette sensibilité de toute une vie ne pourra jamais se comparer à un algorithme générateur d’images.
À propos de l'IA qui génère du code: On cherche à optimiser la « création de logiciel » tout en oubliant la maintenance du logiciel et de l’infrastructure pour le faire tourner.