203 private links
Images, videos and icons are great. Signal comes with stickers with its proper format.
A great tool could convert such images into stickers, and bundle it into sticker packs.
A greater tool could export these stickers.
Oh wait there is already a website referencing them: https://signalstickers.org/.
A quick documentation about them is available on the dedicated signal webpage
The idea is pretty simple: on April Fools' Day (also known as “April 1st”), a participant produces genuine content that's very different from their normal produced content. It could be a different format, a different topic, a different style, anything. The constraints are:
- It is something they normally wouldn't do.
- It is totally genuine: no irony to it.
- It is up to their usual standards of quality.
Partager rapidemment see contacts Lord d'un meeting.
Arrêter de se passer X QR-Code pour X personnes. Simplement en scanner un, partager ses infos, et recevoir celle des autres.
Create a web design based on Code Lyoko graphics
Inspiration for a video: https://youtu.be/SblSoHyT3z0
Pour un jour X, je veux connaître les fruits et légumes correspondant à la période de production.
Pour une période X, je veux connaître les fruits et légumes correspondant à la période de production.
Projets existants:
Search through extensions and visualize them all
Make an OPML to newsroll 😄
Fetch the website informations and create some cards out of it.
Uses folders to create categories.
There are a bunch of possibilities
Re-implement this in OSS and MIT licence.
- Check if the showcases are reachable
- Deactivate them when they are definitely not reachable anymore
- Provide a backup on Internet Archive
A theme that fits for the PSES website.
Other colourful designs:
Rewrite JS projects in Rust with WebAssembly
Add an old layout page collection
A collection of things to implement on a website
A source of thruth. It informs which account has the owner.
The values of HTML are not exactly the ones of HTML first.
The author recommends to include instead:
- HTML that is actual HTML, i.e., that is valid (common sense, until you start checking)
- HTML that makes full use of HTML features, i.e., that’s not XHTML–HTML
- HTML that is used according to purpose (aka semantic HTML)
- HTML that is accessible
#idea #browserExtension a view source with automatic indentation
Tiny devs
Make a UI for it
They're nice and useful tools :)
They can be extended to browser extensions if they need to.