202 private links
It started by putting up optional sign up forms with a cleverly hidden opt-out link. Over time, sign up became mandatory. Now I can only share files with other Dropbox users. That's not what i signed up for. I understand that Dropbox needs to make money. Today, they do that by showing investors that they are growing. One key measure of growth is the number of user accounts they have. So, it makes sense to make every effort to get people to sign up. But, in this case, they are not gaining users through the value of their service – they are using the value of my relationships and my data to force people to sign up. Not cool, guys.
And they provide a solution :) There is also a lot of open source software that can be used.
A software that stores objects and massive amounts of data. An open-source version
About software supply chain attacks and FOSS software:
There is a small problem here. We are not suppliers. We do not have a business relationship with all these organisations. We are volunteers, writing code and putting it online under these Licences. And yes, we put it online for people to use them. But we do not get anything from it.
[With the MIT licence, maintainers] do not have a business relationship with all these organisations. [Maintainers] are volunteers, writing code and putting it online under these Licences. And yes, [Maintainers] put it online for people to use them. But [Maintainers] do not get anything from it.
To get a supplier, you need to give people what they need to live and they have to agree to these terms.
Because without reproduction, it takes so much time!
Open Source Software is served "as-is"
So provide a repro or don't open an issue.
Lychee is a free photo-management tool, which runs on your server or web-space. Installing is a matter of seconds. Upload, manage and share photos like from a native application. Lychee comes with everything you need and all your photos are stored securely.
A captcha with proof of work (~2s). This can definitely be better for every user as they do nothing. It's free software, privacy-friendly, and it doesn't use IP addresses (so users won't suffer what reCaptcha or CloudFlare impose).
They have a GitHub organization: https://github.com/mCaptcha
The more recent the proprietary product is, the faster an open-source version will be developed. It tends to be one year nowadays.
The unit (in days) is the TTOSA: Time Till Open Source Alternative. It is established on the first commit date.
About the data:
Two things become clear with this chart: first, there is an explosion of dots after the mid-2000s, and this probably is correlated with the rise of the Web and subsequently the GitHub era (GitHub was founded in 2008). Second, the trend is downward.
But an open-source alternative is not directly of higher quality yet.
The final result tends to be that everything will be open-source!
There are two ways to compete in the software-for-sale market: support, hosting, and other or monetizing the database.
The social utility of a given software package is not necessarily tied to mass-market adoption. A software package can be trendy in a tight-knit community, while holding very little social utility for the mass market, and this is fine. This is the case for most software packages that exist in the world.
If a FLOSS matches the need for a small part of the community, it is then fine too !
Unfortunately, society teaches us that we should grow at any cost, which means that inexperienced maintainers can be swayed by such arguments to make harmful decisions about their projects.
The sucess of a project is measured by the biggest number: the number of stars on GitHub, amount of forks, ...
Pour le seul confort de la hiérarchie, l’idée est de migrer d’une solution libre de droits, coopérative et économe en deniers publics à une solution payante, maîtrisée par une multinationale.
Mais.... chiffre à l'appui cela coûtait moins cher et était apprécié. Mais certains veulent utiliser les produits Microsoft, et puis pas grave si cela coûte plus cher... mais on est pas censé moins dépenser ?!
Et puis cela fait de l'emploi perdu, pour plus d'argent dépensé :x Du gâchis de compétence et de bonnes volontés des gens qui développent ces solutions libres.
As LibreOffice exists, why OpenOffice is still considered as an alive project by Apache ?
PhPBB, but this time modern and easier to use.
Frontend can be plugged on it.
an open-source encrypted backup app for inclusion in Android-based operating systems
StreetComplete vous permet de contribuer au projet OpenStreetMap en effectuant des "quêtes".
L'application vous propose d'ajouter des informations manquantes sur des zones près de votre position.
J'ai testé et je valides: la prise en main est rapide; on sens l'utilité de ses contributions; et on peut choisir quel type de quêtes/informations on veut renseigner
Lien du projet: https://github.com/streetcomplete/StreetComplete/tree/v43.2
Apps.education.fr est une plateforme développée au sein de la direction du numérique pour l'éducation pour proposer les outils essentiels du quotidien à l'ensemble des agents de l'Éducation nationale.
On retrouve: peertube, Etherpad, CodiMD, Mastodon, Nextcloud, ....
Super !