203 private links
In English: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zigbee
En Français: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/ZigBee
Le sous-ensemble latin étendu a 395 caractères et pèse 395ko.
Pour le chinois ou le japonais, il peut y avoir de 3 000 à 80 000 caractères.
L'optimisation habituelle consiste à créer un sous-ensemble, mais il faut néanmoins au moins plus de 5 000 caractères pour certaines langues.
L'idée est donc de créer une police qui peut être segmentée, "contenant uniquement le sous-ensemble de ce qui est critique, puis de lui adjoindre des additions qui complètent la police en cours de route."
Un streaming de caractères de police en somme. Cette idée est actuellement un draft au W3C: Incremental Font Transfer
Un sujet fort pertinent pour la conception de technologies en général.
See also https://jpegxl.info/art/
The HTML standard for web developers
Ok ok. How? AI can predict the next IP packet, so it's faster than the speed of light.
The recent advances in artificial intelligence (AI) such as large language models enable the design of the Faster than LIght speed Protocol (FLIP) for Internet. FLIP provides a way to avoid congestion, enhance security, and deliver faster packets on the Internet by using AI to predict future packets at the receiving peer before they arrive.
Ok interesting
Il s'agit d'une extension optionelle, compatible avec la gestion du temps en Java et généraliste.
La redéfinition du décalage à la fin des estampilles:
- Z indique qu'on utilise UTC comme référence, sans connaître l'heure locale (nouveau)
- -00:00 comme Z
- +00:00 indique qu'on utilise UTC comme référence
L'autre nouveauté de ce RFC 9557 est plus marquante, c'est le format étendu IXDTF (section 3). Il consiste à ajouter à la fin de l'estampille une série (facultative) de couples {clé, valeur}, entre crochets.
Les clés sont définies sur le nouveau registre https://www.iana.org/assignments/internet-date-time-format/internet-date-time-format.xml#timestamp-suffix-tag-keys.
It supplants the previous 8601 for http api errors.
What are the life and breath of the web?
- Simplicity: keep it simple, stupid!
- Modular design: read https://www.w3.org/DesignIssues/Modularity.html later
It is also necessary to realize that your own system, no matter how big and wonderful it seems now, should always be designed to be a part of another larger system.
Tolerance: this principle can be contentious. When browsers are lax about what they expect, the system works better but also it encourages laxness on the part of web page writers.
Decentralization: if we make a knowledge representation system which requires anyone who uses the concept of "automobile" to use the term "http://www.kr.org/stds/industry/automobile" then we restrict the set of uses of the system to those for whom this particular formulation of what an automobile is works.
Test of Independent Invention: designing a system to be a part of an as-yet unspecified larger system
Principle of Least Power: The reason for this is that the less powerful the language, the more you can do with the data stored in that language. The Semantic Web is an attempt, largely, to map large quantities of existing data onto a common language so that the data can be analyzed in ways never dreamed of by its creators.
In the hypertext architecture, when making a reference, such as a hypertext link, we don't just refer to an information resource. Well, we can, but we can also refer to a particular part of or view of a resource. The string which, within the document, defines the other end of the link has two parts. It has the identifier of the document as a whole, and then optionally it has a hash sign "#" and a string representing the view of the object required.
Note of Tim Berners-Lee
Even if this standard is not used for years, some ideas are interesting. How and which data is collected and used are pretty well standardized.
It can somehow interact with the GDPR.
It will solves a lot of tooltip or popover issues
Similar to microdata.
Designed for humans first and machines second, microformats are a set of simple, open data formats built upon existing and widely adopted standards. Instead of throwing away what works today, microformats intend to solve simpler problems first by adapting to current behaviors and usage patterns. - https://microformats.org/wiki/about
What is the difference between microformats and microdata? It seems that microdata is an extension of microformats. Also microdata is meant for HTML5, whereas microformats is meant for everything.
How to make design tokens interoperable? With a format that describes their serialization and which metadata should be attached to it.
Different loading hints:
resource is loaded when the browser candefer
resource is loaded when the DOM is parsed (less priority than async)rel=preload
load the resource before the parsing and everything elsefetchpriority
with valuehigh
. They are hints.rel=preconnect
indicates that a connexion has to be established ASAP.rel=dns-prefetch
resolves the domain name without fetching the resource.loading
attribute determine when an image is loaded depending of its value:eager
: the image is loaded immediatelylazy
: the loading is delayed until the user scroll to it.
From Tim Berners-Lee
Date: 1998, last change: 2013-03-04 22:56:21
When you design a system or a language, if the features can be broken into relatively loosely bound groups of relatively closely bound features, then that division is a good thing to be part of the design. This is just good engineering. It means that when you want to change the system, you can with luck in the future change only one part, which will only require you to understand (and test) that part. This will allow other people to independently change other parts at the same time. This is just classic good software design and books have been written about it. The corollary, the TOII is less frequently met.
This kind of “insert block” user interface concept is showing up in almost every blogging tool, web editor, note-taking app, and content management system. People like it and it makes sense.
Embed blocks accross the web with the future block protocol :D
If APIs can share data between programs and websites, then I understand the block protocol as a way to share UI components and logic between websites.