203 private links
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Livres numériques gratuits et libres de droits
A list of web browsers. The most exhaustive I've found so far.
(via https://nicolas-delsaux.hd.free.fr/Shaarli/shaare/yzmd3Q)
With the internet being ever present and screens surrounding us all the time, personal preference is becoming more and more critical for a good user experience. Particularly when it comes to dark mode in order not to burn out the readers sight at night.
The Darktheme Club is a collection of web pages from across the Internet. To qualify, your website must either use a dark theme by default, or respect the preference of the user, preferably through the prefers-color-scheme media query.
Daily blogging topics
There's a lot of helpful CLI tools, which can make your life in the command line easier, faster and generally more fun.
This post outlines my top 50 must-have CLI tools
Can be found in the list:
TheFuck, zoxide, tldr, scc, exa, duf, aria2, bat, diff-so-fancy, entr, exiftool, fdupes, fzf, hyperfine, just, jq, most, procs, rip, ripgrep, rsync, sd, tre, xsel, bandwhich, ctop, bpytop, glances, gping, dua-cli, speedtest-cli, dog
CLI productivity apps: browsh, buku, cmus, cointop, ddgr, khal, mutt, newsboat, rcole, taskwarrior, tuir.
Dev suits: httpie, lazydocker, lazygit, kdash, gdp-dashboard, ngrok, tmate, asciinema, navi, transfer.sh, surge, wttr.in
Fun: cowsay, figlet, lolcat, neofetch
There is also a dedicated section for JS https://shaarli.lyokolux.space/shaare/DhH-Zw
Peelopaalu is an unsorted link collection that consists of random websites that I find interesting in some way.
High quality GIFs
All games run in the browser.
isometric icons under CC BY 4.0.
Thanks to the author!