203 private links
There's a lot of helpful CLI tools, which can make your life in the command line easier, faster and generally more fun.
This post outlines my top 50 must-have CLI tools
Can be found in the list:
TheFuck, zoxide, tldr, scc, exa, duf, aria2, bat, diff-so-fancy, entr, exiftool, fdupes, fzf, hyperfine, just, jq, most, procs, rip, ripgrep, rsync, sd, tre, xsel, bandwhich, ctop, bpytop, glances, gping, dua-cli, speedtest-cli, dog
CLI productivity apps: browsh, buku, cmus, cointop, ddgr, khal, mutt, newsboat, rcole, taskwarrior, tuir.
Dev suits: httpie, lazydocker, lazygit, kdash, gdp-dashboard, ngrok, tmate, asciinema, navi, transfer.sh, surge, wttr.in
Fun: cowsay, figlet, lolcat, neofetch
Static web publishing for Front-End Developers
A competitor to dig
The project is on github: https://github.com/lycheeverse/lychee
Another link checker tool that supports recursion
CLI tools can make great things
Recursive link checker (compared to the rust lychee)
ObsoHTML is a Node.js script designed to scan HTML, PHP, JavaScript, and TypeScript files for obsolete or proprietary HTML attributes and elements (in scripts, it would catch JSX syntax). It helps you identify and update deprecated HTML code to be more sure to use web standards.
the goal for rainfrog is to provide a lightweight, terminal-based alternative to pgadmin/dbeaver.
and its website https://curl.se/trurl/
An extension of git to work with stacked PRs.
An alternative to tar and efficient for bigger files.
But for linux documentation arx is 444 time quicker than tar (several hours).
A cli tool that compares an input string to all possible formats: hash, ID, URL, UUID, country format, time, etc...
Code name: wits (What is this string)