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Why io_uring is so much pertinent for softwares? Because io_uring it is meant asynchronous I/O storage operations addressing performance issues with similar interfaces provided by functions like read()/write() or aio_read()/aio_write() etc. for operations on data accessed by file descriptors.
The io_uring kernel interface was adopted in Linux kernel version 5.1 to resolve the deficiencies of Linux AIO.
libSQL is a portability in WASM of SQLite.
The Turso project experiment a rewrite of SQLite in Rust with some technical implementation in mind:
Limbo is a research project to build a SQLite compatible in-process database in Rust with native async support. The libSQL project, on the other hand, is an open source, open contribution fork of SQLite, with focus on production features such as replication, backups, encryption, and so on. There is no hard dependency between the two projects. Of course, if Limbo becomes widely successful, we might consider merging with libSQL, but that is something that will be decided in the future.
Hundred Rabbits is an artist collective that documents low-tech solutions with the hope of building a more resilient future. We live and work aboard a 10 m sailboat named Pino in remote parts of the world to learn more about how technology degrades beyond the shores of the western world.
They have digital low techs, a blog, share knowledge about sailing, living offgrid, repair, engine car, weather, rabbit waves and resources.
Les magouilles de Google et Meta
300 millions de personnes parlent le Français dans le monde, dont 60% vivent en Afrique.
An implementation for UUIDv7 was committed to Postgres earlier this month. These have all the benefits of a v4 (random) UUID, but are generated with a more deterministic order using the current time, and perform considerably better on inserts using ordered structures like B-trees.
A tool is proposed at the end to create such blur effects. It has a radius, an inset, blur value and a transition from the blur value to 0.
Either all fields are public or all fields are private.
Another version control workflow similar to git, but somehow more powerful
A list of SQLite GUIs
https://dbeaver.io/ / https://www.dbvis.com/
A firefox browser extension "SQLite Manager" https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/sqlite-manager-webext/
An index of the web!
Curlie strives to be the largest human-edited directory of the Web. It is run by volunteer editors. Join today to add to our collection or create your own!
The story of an internal SVC system developed by one engineer that leaves the company, and the team afterwards fails to deliver.
Regardless of its age, SVC is textbook legacy software because, more often than not, a question posed about the system, to any team member, results in the same answer: I don’t know. [...] The code may tell the what and the how, but it doesn’t tell the why.
In his Software Aging paper, David Parnas warns against putting software in the hands of developers who haven’t contributed to (and thus don’t understand) its design.
Our job is to explain, over and over, the meaning of our software. We must tell a story about what our software is, and what it’s expected to become. When understanding software, we tell that story to ourselves. When changing software, we tell that story to others. Software which is complex takes a long time to explain.
The death of a program happens when the programmer team possessing its theory is dissolved.