The Daily Shaarli

All links of one day in a single page.


Now I understand where the sample comes from 🤣 - YouTube

Nous savons maintenant d'où vient ce son

ffs: the file fileystem | ffs

import a json file that can be manipulated with the unix filesystem tools and rexport it to json.

Assurance chômage : une inépuisable source de taxation pour l'Etat | Alternatives Economiques
Repérage des piscines non déclarées : l'IA de l'administration fiscale patauge

C'étaient l'IA avec 30% de taux d'erreur

Les disques durs seraient de plus en plus fiables
Testing HTML With Modern CSS: HeydonWorks

In a nutshell, the purpose of REVENGE.CSS is to apply visual regressions to any markup anti-patterns. It makes bad HTML look bad.


Passing CSS variable errors can be useful too.

There are also useful patterns.

Pourquoi une grille de salaire ? – Carnet de notes

Le raisonnement semble bien pertinent

7.css - A CSS framework for recreating Windows 7 UI
link-peek Web Component - David Darnes

link-peek is designed to be used in conjunction with JSON APIs that can return metadata about the URL added to the anchor element between the Web Component tags.

Words of Wisdom Written on Tea Bags by a People Pleaser (Totally Okay If You Don’t Read Them) - McSweeney’s Internet Tendency