Weekly Shaarli
Week 45 (November 4, 2024)
The way I see it, with eight billion people on this planet, there has to be dozens hundreds thousands of 30-something-year-old white guys that are just like me.
maybe if I do a thing, it’ll mean the rest of the people like me will also do that thing. And if all “the Jarrods” of the world choose to do that thing, well, our collective action could really make a difference.
Cartoon depicting several characters in four panels: a potato, a bottle of vodka, a cartoonized person, and the same person wearing a pirate outfit and riding a duck. The four panels display the phrase "if a potato can turn into vodka, you can become anything you want". Watermark: Linguist Gone Foreign.
Why whitespace is confusing?
A list of european softwares
"Pourquoi vous ne vous êtes pas défendu(e) des violences?"
Une démonstration avec un exemple.
Un excellent thread.
Wikifunctions will use wasm and rust
The hypertext can provide a high amount of source per paragraph. These references are also accessible.
In English: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zigbee
En Français: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/ZigBee
Auchan touche 500 millions d'euros du gouvernement, reverse 1 milliard de dividendes à ses actionnaires et licencie des milliers de personnes.
Le gouvernement : "Non rien."
Bah écoutez si c'est pas clair que la Macronie était là pour piller le peuple au profit des riches, là c'est clair non ?
Le département genevois de l’instruction publique se base sur des logiciels libres. Voilà.
Les élèves auront toujours la possibilité, une fois qu’ils auront quitté les bancs de l’école, d’opter pour le confort des logiciels propriétaires. Mais au moins le feront-ils avec une conscience plus aiguë des enjeux.
L'IETF se met aussi à l'action. À voir ce qu'il va en sortir.
Ils vont sortir un documentaire sous peu
L'avortement n'est de confort que pour les hommes irresponsables.
Changer une option dans le BIOS de windows à Linux casse la machine 🤨
Pourquoi il est toujours possible que quelqu'un passe à côté d'une information? Car la personne veut éviter les nouvelles constamment négatives des journaux et médias.
Higher-quality image: https://laterracita.online/@oneeyedman/113437897305291710
ALT of @oneeyedman: List of icons from 6 different browsers where all are a type of Chrome, except one: Chromium (Open Source Chrome), Brave (Homophobic Crypto Chrome), Firefox (Not Chrome), Opera (Chinese Chrome), Chrome (Chrome), and Edge (Microsoft Chrome).
There are now a whole new class of potential issues, design considerations, and challenges that Rust introduces to web developers which I think is often under-estimated.
Fixing one ownership issue often just shifts the problem to another place, and without a strong understanding of this mental model, it can be very difficult to identify which path from any given node is actually the "right" one, which gets closer to the real solution.
The documentation is awesome, but some crates are under-documented.
Editing Rust is not so much supported in VSCode than Typescript.
The feedback comes from a typescript developer.
Sam Altman side by side with Aaron Swartz.
I can't stop thinking about it. One was prosecuted by the US for downloading copyrighted data from 1 source for noble purposes, and committed suicide to avoid prison. The other is widely celebrated for doing this on a much larger scale*.
Tariq@rzeta0@mastodon.social comments:
A key difference is why you do it.
If you do it to enrich yourself, cool.
Even cooler if you're already wealthy.
If you do it for socialist reasons, bad.
Even worse if you're poor because you can't call it philanthropy.